Chapter 22 - Back to Hogwarts

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Trying to upload another chapter in less time to make up for the long time taken for the previous one. This isn't one of my best chapters but it's alright.


Draco's POV

Draco woke up the next morning to find that Ella had gone but a note was in her place. 'Gone to breakfast. You looked too peaceful to disturb.' He stood up and stretched before heading downstairs to where Ells, Ginny, Harry, a blonde girl that looked a lot like Fleur Delacor and one of the older Weasley boys.

"You must be Draco," the ginger boy advanced on him and stuck out his hand. "I'm Bill Weasley, and this is my wife; Fleur" 'It must be Fleur Delacor. I didn't know that she had married into the Weasley family...' he thought to himself. Bill stood there as if waiting for a retort, but Draco smiled and took his hand.

"Draco Malfoy. It's nice to meet you both." He shook both of their hands. "I hope you'll be able to forgive me for everything I've ever said or done. I really was an insensitive, prejudiced git." The room besides Ella looked startled at his words.

"Yeah you were a git." Ella flashed him a cheeky grin as he sat down next to her.

"Well good morning to you too, gorgeous." He wrapped an arm around her and kissed the side of her head tenderly before turning to Harry and Ginny who were sat opposite them. "I really AM sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

"Of course." Ginny replied, smiling at him whilst Harry nodded. Suddenly Ella gasped, her hand flying up to her locket causing Draco to grasp her hand in worry.

"Ella? What's wrong? Talk to me." He asked worriedly. Ella was breathing deeply but waved him away with her free hand.

"Nothing. It's nothing." She smiled weakly at him, but didn't meet his eye and he could tell that she was lying but didn't press on it.

"YOU! What are YOU doing in this house?!" They both looked up to see Ron stood in the doorway, pointing a finger at the two of them. "Harry, why are Deatheaters in this house?!"

"Because I let them in, and they're not Deatheaters." Harry answered bluntly but Ron was having none of it. He pulled out his wand ad shoved Ella up against the wall, threatening her.

"How did you do it? How did yo corrupt my best friend you Deatheater scum?!" Draco watched as Ella rolled her eyes and batted the wand out of her face.

"Honestly Ronald. I am NOT a Deatheater, it was all an act. Did you really think that I could be evil? ME of all people? Did you really think that I would betray my friends to join the people that I have tried to destroy since I came to Hogwarts? I 'joined' them to gain their trust, so they wouldn't suspect me when the Order and the DA got hold of information. They would tell me everything and I would pass most of it on to people that are against them. Because I was second in command I could do whatever I wanted to help you without raising suspicion. So tell me Ronald. Would I really have done all of that, then run away in the middle of the night if I was a Deatheater?"

Ella's POV

Ella was proud of herself for the argument that she put forwards to prove her innocence, cauasing Ron to lower his wand.

"This doesn't mean that I trust you." He spat at her before turning to Draco. "Either of you." Ron turned to sit down just as another hsarp burst of pain erupted from her locket. She gritted her teeth and excused herself, running blindly up to the bathroom as the pain grew to immense levels. She locked the door and collapsed to the floor, trying to pull off the necklace. To her horror she discovered that it wouldn't come off and in a blind panic she grabbed some scissors off of the side and tried to cut it. She breathed a sigh of relief as the metal cut through the chain but gasped as it wound itself back round her neck and fixed itself. She threw the scissors across the room in frustration and was shaking violently from the pain. There was a sharp knock on the door.

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