Ice Skating / boyfriend

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I'm making a chapter at the beginning of the book called 'Playlist', and I'm listing all of the songs in these chapters. I highly suggest you listen to the songs. I love every single one of them. Okay, on with the chapter!

Bf/n - Boyfriend's name

Bf/f/n - Boyfriend's full name

Y/f/n - Your full name

Y/n - Your Name


"Bf/n I'm going to fall on my butt," you said, looking at him seriously. You tried not to smile, but that was hard with him around.

"Y/n you're going to be perfectly fine," bf/n replied while pulling you along. You were walking through the parking lot towards the local ice skating rink. It was set up downtown every year and you were so nervous.

Bf/n was naturally talented on the ice and you, well not so much. Let's just say that your balance wasn't the greatest. You both paid your admission and went to rent your size of skates.

You were genuinely nervous because you didn't want the hard ice to break any of your bones tonight.

"Alright are you ready?" bf/n asked giving you the biggest smile. He stood up on his skates and held out his hands for you to grab onto.

"I guess I don't really have a choice now do I?" You asked looking up to him with a dramatic frown.

"Nope you don't so let's go, babe," bf/n said while hoisting you up on your feet.

There were a fair amount of people skating in a big circle. The people in the middle definitely knew what they were doing and were practicing jumps and spins. There were also people slowly walking along the wall. Ahhh yes you had found your group. The wall was your safety.

Bf/n stepped onto the ice with ease and glided smoothly in a small circle so he was facing you.

"Ok y/n, just take my hand and put the other on the wall."

You carefully and slowly took his hand while you also placed the other on the wall. You stepped onto the ice as delicately as possible, trying not to fall.

"Oh my god. Bf/n. This is going to be so bad," you said taking your hand out of his and to hold onto the wall with both hands. You were so unsteady due to your nerves.

"Hey, y/n it'll be fine you just have to trust yourself," he said taking your hand again. "And me. I can pull you if you want?"

You hesitantly agreed and took both of his hands. You slightly bent your knees as bf/n slowly started to skate backward. He progressively picked up speed which hit you with adrenaline.

You looked straight at bf/n with a smile. He pulled you closer to him and kissed your lips. Of course, he had to turn and look to make sure he didn't run into anyone or anything.

"Wanna try on your own for a bit?" bf/n asked. Just gliding with bf/n pulling you gave you enough confidence to try it.

First, you took baby steps just to get used to the ice. Next, you slowly tried to glide on your own by pushing your skate back and to the side.

"See there you go!" Bf/n said with excitement. You were amazed by your stop, and all of the success made you want to keep going.

"Um, bf/n how do u stop?" You asked in fear as you neared the wall quickly. Bf/n tried to yell out instructions but you were too distracted.

Before you knew it you collied with the wall. All of your crashing force sent you down towards the ice, and you fell. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

"Whoops," you said as you looked up at bf/n, who skated toward you. Amusement was all over his face, and you could tell he enjoyed that little scene.

You spent the remainder of the time skating at a slow pace, hand in hand. You talked and made conversation and you couldn't count the number of laps you two had made. Every now and then, you would start to lose your balance.

"Whoa," you said starting to flail your arm the wasn't holding onto bf/n. Your balance was off and you were about to fall.

"I got you," bf/n said wrapping his hand around your waist to support you. You regained your balance and thanked bf/n.

"Gee what would I do without you here?" You asked him looking up. You took your hands and held his face.

"You would probably come home with a lot more bruises," bf/n gave a small laugh. He looked into your eyes and then down at your lips. You kissed him softly ignoring everyone who skated right past you.

When you pulled apart from each other, you kept your hands wrapped around his neck.
Bf/n kept his hands on your waist.

"Mmm," bf/n sighed with content. "You make me so happy, y/n."

Bf/n's small comment made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Same. I love you bf/f/n," you replied.

"I love you more y/f/n," he said while taking your hand. You both started to skate again.

"Impossible," you said with a shocked face. He playfully smiled at you and guided you to the entrance of the ice rink.

The Zamboni cleaned the ice and the both of you decided one hour of skating was good enough.

"You know that wasn't as bad as I thought," you said walking with your arm around bf/n's.

"We've got quite a bit of work to do," bf/n teased with a straight face. You looked up at him with your mouth open.

"Hey! I'm just...uncoordinated," you said pushing him playfully to the side with your hips. Bf/n laughed and so did you because you knew you weren't very good at all.

"How does hot chocolate sound my love?" Bf/n opened the car door for you and you got excited at the mention of hot chocolate.

"Ooo that sounds amazing!" You replied excitedly.

"Sounds like a yes," bf/n sat in the driver seat and kissed the back of your hand romantically. Almost making you blush again. "Next stop, hot chocolate."


I really wanted to get an imagine out before Christmas but oh well... Here it is!!!

Are you guys good at ice skating???

I'm not. I can barely get off the wall but the last time I went, I actually did skate off of the wall. Lol, that was a huge accomplishment for me.


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