To Me You're Perfect / boyfriend

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You stood in front of the full-body mirror in your room. Your stomach was starting to become more prominent. When you wore leggings you noticed what they called a "muffin top". You didn't look like the fitness models on the cover of Nike or Under Armor wearing only leggings and sports bras.

You stood touching your stomach and love handles in disappointment. You put on your dress and turned to the side. You sucked in and that's how you wanted to look. You could do that for the rest of the night, right? No, you couldn't.

"Y/n are you coming?" bf/n called from downstairs. You sniffled a bit but quickly pulled yourself together.

"Coming!" You called back. Wiping the smudged mascara off of your cheeks, you put on your shoes. Looking at yourself one more time you only frowned in disappointment. You didn't feel comfortable.

"Y/n?" bf/n said your name, peeking around the corner of your door. "Is everything alright?" Right as he asked the question, you felt a small piece of your heart shatter and break. A sob came from your mouth and you leaned over as if in pain. Bf/n rushed over to you placing his arms around you.

"I'm not okay Bf/n," you said almost falling if it weren't for him. Just like that, your self-confidence had dropped.

"What hurts Y/n? Do I need to call for help?" bf/n asked worried for you. He was so worried about you and that made a small light of hope shine through this rough patch.

"No bf/n. The only thing that hurts is the way I look," you said calming down.

"What?" bf/n was visibly confused. "What do you mean?"

"Bf/n. I'm fat! I'm gaining weight! Look at my stomach!" You raised your voice as more tears fell from your eyes. "I'm surprised you haven't said anything yet. Might as well get me a peloton bike for Christmas!"

"Y/n, baby no. You are absolutely perfect!" Bf/n turned you around so you couldn't see yourself in the mirror. "Do you want to know what I see? I see the most perfect girl. Her hair is perfectly soft. Her eyes light up when she's just figured something out. Her smile captures my attention and is contagious along with her laugh. Her body is absolutely stunning. I couldn't have ended up with someone more perfect. I don't care about your stomach or if you've even gained weight in your toes. Y/n I will always love you. I fell in love with not only your beauty but also your personality, your friends, family, everything."

You sniffled again but hugged him tighter. How did you end up with someone so amazing? Bf/n was your true rock.

"Thank you," you let out in a gravelly voice.

"To me, you are perfect," bf/n said kissing the top of your head. You both stood there in peace, rocking gently in each other's arms. This was perfect.

this was short but sweet

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