I'll Love You Until All Of The Stars In The Universe Burn Out

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"How could you do this!" Your mind became crowded. "H/n why? I can't understand." Tears streamed down your face and your breathing was ragged and heavy. His phone sat on the kitchen counter open to Instagram with DM's between him and another girl. She was beautiful and it immediately broke any confidence you had in yourself.

"Y/n, listen it's not like that-" h/n tried to speak.

"No I'm tired of the lying, h/n. I've been having to battle this for so long now!" You were almost sobbing at this point. For the past 5 months, you had noticed h/n getting even closer too one of his close friends from high school. Her personality was very flirty and you had always been a little worried about her. H/n was a friendly and kind hearted person so you brushed it off the first few times you saw them interact. 

Later on you noticed him smiling at his phone more. It lead to secret facetime calls, laughing while on the phone with her and more. It wasn't that much later until you found his phone getting spammed with Instagram notifications. He left his phone open on the counter. You hated that you wanted to look at it but you did. They had sent messages back and forth being cute and flirting and it physically pained your heart. 

"I-I thought you loved me," your lip quivered as you mumbled those words. H/n's face broke into such a regretful and pained expression that you couldn't look at him without crying even more.

--- 6 months earlier ---

"Here we are," h/n said as he unlocked the door to your shared apartment. After a long night of talking and hanging out with your friends, you were both ready to relax. All you wanted to do was to cuddle up in your bed and fall asleep to a movie as h/n held you tight and you could listen to his heart beat lull you to sleep. 

As you walked to your bedroom h/n followed and turned on the tv to a random movie. You were changing into your pjs and then crawled into your side of the bed. H/n was grabbing his pjs from the closet and started changing. You admired his every feature. The muscles that flexed in his back, his broad shoulders, the v that lead down his hips, his strong chin, his beautiful eyes and long eye lashes, and his few freckles and birth marks that made him unique. All of him made you smile. A part from his physical attractiveness, what you admired most about him was his kind soul and his big heart.

"Are you enjoying the show?" H/n asked but got no response from you. "Uh hello, y/nnnn." H/n laughed and walked over to you and booped your nose. 

"Sorry I'm just thinking about how much I love you," you said seriously while smiling. He looked down at you with a smile stretched across his face. You looked up at him with love and adoration in your eyes.

"You are such a beautiful human being y/n l/n." H/n slid under the covers next to you and wrapped you up in his arms. Immediately his warmth comforted you. You breathed in the scent of his colonge and closed your eyes. There was a movie playing but your eyes were to heavy to pay attention and watch. You laid your head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. You loved this man with your entire heart.

H/n started to massage your head and play with your hair which made you relax even more. Soon enough you were asleep and snuggled up into the side of h/n.

"I'll love you until all of the stars in the universe burn out," h/n whispered as he kissed your head. So much love surrounded the two of us.

--- present time ---

"I do love you y/n," he said.

"Then why? Why would you go behind my back and talk to another girl! If you loved me you wouldn't be talking to someone else! If you loved me you would have more respect towards my feelings," You were going on a rant and for the first time tears had shed from h/n's eyes.

"If you loved me you wouldn't of broken my heart so many times. And now, you've finally shattered it." Your body couldn't fathom the emotions you were going through a feeling. You had to get out before your anxiety took over. 

"Y/n I don't love her! It's you! I only have eyes for you," h/n followed you to your shared bedroom as you started to pack a bag.

"I don't know why you are still coming up with all of these excuses. Do you even hear yourself, h/n? These are lies," The steady flow of tears from your eyes never stopped. You felt so broken. Your worst thoughts and nightmares had come true. It was all true. The messages confirmed all of it.

Her: I wish I could see you more :((

                                             I know me too babe :( soon! I promise!

                                         I think y/n wants to have a girls day with

                                               y/f/n soon so then i can come see you :) :H/n

Her: Good! I miss your cuddles! 

                                                  I miss yours more <3 sweet dreams :H/n

Her: Sweet dreams love <3

...and that was all you needed to read before you physically felt your heart break. The pain felt suffocating, almost as if your throat dryed up and was closing in on you. 

"No. Y/n. I don't want you to leave," H/n was trying to stop you from leaving out the door. "I made a huge mistake. I wasn't thinking. I need you. You are the air I breathe y/n! I'm just a dumbass who was blinded." 

'All of these excuses' you thought. 

"Please don't make this harder on me h/n. Please." You closed your eyes in pain, trying not to think about your true love breaking your heart.

Slowly his body moved to the side, to give you room to exit towards the door. As you grabbed the handle h/n said one last thing.

"I'll love you until all of the stars in the universe burn out."

And that broke you. It's what he whispered to you as you cuddled, in your moments of intimacy, affection, and pure love towards one another. Your eyes just kept watering as you shut the door behind you. You stopped and covered your mouth to prevent a loud sob from erupting.

"NO," you heard h/n scream and sob from behind the door. It was a yell of pain and brokenness. It only made you feel even worse and more sad. Your true love was in pain from the pain he caused you. It was a revolving door after one of us had fallen into the trap. 

Your heart wanted to run back in through the door, throw your arms around h/n, kiss his lips and whisper how it was all going to be ok and that you loved him. But your head was telling and reminding you of all the pain your heart was in. You had suffered the torture of uneasy feelings and confusion towards him for 5 months. 

You now sat in your best friends spare bedroom looking out the window and into the night. Your mind had been analyzing all of the days events. Alone and empty. It made you sick to your stomach at how strong your heart felt these emotions. Your heart was in mourning and you had wondered what h/n was currently doing. What was he feeling? Had he moved on already? You didn't want to think about anything past that. 


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Wow, that hurt. 

Ummm yeah sorry for such a depressing one :/

But really I'm sorry for such the long wait for an update!😩 College is wack guys. Don't go.

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