Confused Confession / crush

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"Hi, y/n," c/n said as he sat next to you. You were sitting in the library typing a paper due the next day. You were at a table all by yourself until c/n showed up. But you didn't mind.

"Hi c/n," you said smiling, "What brings you here?" You pulled your attention away from your laptop to turn and face him.

"I was coming to actually try and study but I think I may be a bit to distracted now," c/n said with a small and boyish smile. That immediately made a smile creep onto your face as well.

"Your distracted now?" You asked oblivious to what he meant, "By what?"

He looked down, smiling even bigger now while his hand rubbed the back of his neck. He finally looked up with a huge grin.

"By you," he turned a shade of red and fidgeted in his seat. That must of been a huge confession for him.

"Yeah right," you said slightly laughing at his comment. He was, for sure, just saying that to get a reaction out of you. You turned back to you laptop, smiling but he continued to look at you smiling.

"No I'm serious. I can't concentrate when you're in the room," he said scooting his chair towards you.

"So you want me to leave? Or move spots? I'm sorry I didn't realize you sat here," you apologetically started to move your stuff.

"No y/n. You're not getting it," he stood up with you and laughed again. "I think you're cute y/n. I like you and I've got feelings for you. I can't concentrate when you're in the room. You just so god damn beautiful. You've been on my mind, constantly, from the moment I met you," he said. His cheeks now a deeper shade of red. Your mouth was slightly ajar from the shock.

"I-I don't know what to say-" you started to stutter.

"It's okay. I understand if you don't feel the same. I just had to get that off my chest," c/n started to back away with embarrassment written all over his face. "Have a good rest of your day," he gave you a small smile a turned around.

You were still processing what all just happened. Standing in the middle of the library, the boy of your dreams had just confessed his feelings toward you. Quickly you had to tell him how you felt.

"We'll go after him!" Someone shouted from a different chair. You didn't even realize how far c/n had gotten away from you. You set your stuff down and ran out the door he had just exited.

"C/n! Wait! Please!" You yelled moving quickly down the steps outside. C/n turned around on the sidewalk and waited for you to run to him. Out of breath, you looked up at him.

"You didn't give me enough time to think," you smiled while stepping closer to him. It was cold out, and your sweater was letting the cool air swiftly pass through your clothes.

"Ever since I first met you I thought you were cute too. When I first met you, you were so nice and welcoming to me. You made me feel like we were friends right away. I caught feelings for you too and I've always had them for you," you finally finished. C/n's eyes widened and you received no response from him.

You decided to make a bold move. You grabbed the edges of his jacket, pulled him closer, and leaned up towards his lips. Before you knew it his warm ones met yours and you both smiled. His hands met your waist and you moved one hand up to the back of his neck. His lips were soft and warm against yours.

Butterflies immediately erupted inside of your stomach. Your cheeks blushed and became warm. Happiness flooded your entire body. You had never been so high on cloud nine before. Your heart was beating faster than ever before, but it was a good feeling. An adrenaline rush.

When you finally pulled away, c/n's cheeks were just as red as yours and he was smiling wide.

"Y/n, would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked happily.

"I would love to c/n," you responded smiling. "Let me go grab my stuff and I'll meet you right back here." You quickly ran up the stairs and into the library grabbing your bag. You walked back out, interlocked hands, and made your way to your first official date.

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