Unprepared / crush

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You were already dreading it. It was second semester of college(university), and you didn't want all of the homework and stress back in your life.

As you carried your things from your car to your dorm room, you made a mental checklist of all your classes and what times they were at. Hopefully you knew at least one person in each of your classes.

You caught up with friends that night as you settled back into your dorm room and prepared for school the next morning.

——— the next day ———

Just one class left. You had College Algebra last and you were dreading it. So far in all of your classes you had known or at least recognized some friends. That always made you feel better.

When you entered the classroom you couldn't find anyone you knew, so you picked an open seat near a wall.

The class slowly filled and there was just one seat left open. That seat was just to the right of you. Students whispered and carried conversations before the class started. The professor closed the classroom door as he started his welcome and handed out the syllabus. Not much later the door opened and in came a boy rushing to get inside the classroom.

As he turned around you looked at his features. His h/c hair was styled perfect for his look. He had e/c eyes, a strong jawline, and full lips that held an amazing smile. His style also caught your eye. He was literally your type. But you didn't want to be too quick to assume. You had seen many cute guys that day around campus. He was just another one that would look straight past you.

"You must be mr. H/n h/l/n?" The professor asked. The professor walked back over to his computer and counted him in for attendance.

"Uh yeah," h/n let out a breath and smiled. "That's me. Sorry for being late."

"It's alright just don't make it a habit."  The professor said.

Without realizing you were staring, you started to feel someone looking right back at you. H/n was making eye contact with you which quickly gained your attention. His lips turned into a small curve.

'Was that a tiny smile? That was kinda cute.' You thought.

H/n saw that the only open seat was on your right and started to make his way over.

'Oh shit.' You thought. 'The only open spot is next to me.'

As he walked past, a nice scent of Old Spice caught your nose. The good smell made you want to swoon even more. There was nothing better than a guy who smells good.

When h/n sat, he looked over in your direction and gave a small smile. Trying to be casual, you gave one in return. It wasn't long though, that way he wouldn't see you blush.

Your professor wasted no time before jumping into the first lecture. You pulled out a notebook and started to take notes. Then you felt something poke your arm.

"Hey, um, I know I'm not making a very good first impression, but do you by chance have a piece of paper I could write on?" H/n gave a small smile again which made you giddy all of a sudden. How could this random boy already have this affect on you?

"Yeah of course." You quickly ripped a few pieces of paper out of your notebook and gave them to him.


"No problem!" You focused back on the marker board where your professor was writing down notes.

There was something about this boy's energy that you were drawn to. Of course you found him attractive, but there was something else about him. You just couldn't put your finger on it.

Before you knew it, you felt another poke.

"I am so sorry but I can't find a pencil either. Can I borrow one?" A very embarrassed look was on h/n's face as he asked you the question.

"Sure, one sec." You tried not to let out a little laugh as you dug through your bag looking for one. This whole situation was so funny and cute.

"Here you go," you smiled giving him a spare pencil.

"Thank you so much," he said and started to write down notes. The guy was definitely not prepared for this class whatsoever.

You were starting to crave just getting to know him. You wanted to talk to him. Have a conversation.

By the end of the class period you had a full page of notes, front and back.

"Here's the pencil," h/n set it in front of you. "Thank you so much for giving me paper and letting me borrow a pencil!" He said starting to out his notes away.

"It's no problem," you said. "Don't take this the wrong way, I'm just curious, but are you usually this unprepared for class?" You laughed a little as you asked.

Dramatically he put his hand over his heart acting offended.

"Just kidding," he laughed at his own actions. "No I'm not usually this unprepared for class. I actually transferred in just a few days ago and I had no idea which classes I'd be taking." He said. 'So he was new.'

"Oh okay, well welcome to campus," you said putting on a warm smile.

"Thanks," he said back. He had a beautiful smile. Students started to file out of the room but before you left he stopped you.

"Wait what's your name?" H/n asked.

"Y/n," you said. Slowly you both started walked towards the door.

"It's nice to meet you y/n," he said. Before you parted ways he gave you a small piece of paper and left. "See you Wednesday!"

When h/n was out of sight, you unfolded the paper to find a phone number.

There was one equation I didn't understand that I was hoping you could enter into your phone for me. It's 271-718-1037 :) I might need a study buddy for this class. Talk to you soon! -H/n

He really just put his phone number on a piece of paper in such a cheesy way. But you weren't going to not contact him, he was cute. There was something about his personality that made you giddy, excited, and you wanted to talk to him more and get to know him now.

You couldn't wait for College Algebra now.

Kinda want to make a part 2 of this :)
It's cute

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