37.9K 696 380

Name: Mavis
Height: 5'7 
Hair:Long brown wavy hair
Eye color: brown
(If quirk used: red)
Body type: ma girl gonna have double D and be thicc

Likes: to train, spicy food, the color black, red and emerald green, to skate, animals, to be alone, read, hear music, annoy people

Dislikes: annoying people, questions, people who are full of themselves, know-it-all people, cheesy thing's ( not the food)


Mavis can control water: such as blood, ice and everything that has H2O in it.
Due to controlling blood, Mavis can stop the blood that is in someones body and can so freeze and control the person's body. If she wants to, she could easily kill the person if she just stops the blood which is circulating around their heart.
Mavis can control the temperature of the water she's controlling, she can make it to ice or really hot; boiling water

If she goes beyond her limit, she will lose consciousness, have a dry throat, will not feel her limbs and feel dizzy.

You can see it as when she uses this quirk, the water in her will drain, it can even take her eyesight when she used it too much.

It can also be dangerous for the people around her when she loses control of her quirk. That's why she needs a clear mind and needs to know her surroundings.

With this quirk, Mavis can make the person feel what she wants if they made eye contact.
As an example: If she makes eye contact and wants that the person feels pain; she just needs to say it and picture what kind of pain she wants them to feel, it doesn't need to be loud or the person doesn't need to hear that.

She can choose how much of pain the person should feel, it could be pain such as migraine or immense pain that feels like someone is stabbing the victim 100 times all over their body, putting salt in the wounds and stabbing again(you get what i mean)
But she can also use this quirk to help someone; she can make an injured person feel no pain or citizens feel calm.

Mavis needs to be mentally stable and a lot of training to use this quirk with it's full potential.
If she overuses her quirk she will feel numb and will hear voices in her head such as screams, from her victims that she used the quirk on who felt pain because of it.

423 words

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