Chapter 81: Ace Of Spades

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Mavis' pov

"Man, this must be what they mean by 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.' "

"You didn't do anything, did you?"

"Come off it. I did my part to run away."

"Dabi, if you aren't gonna eat, then I will."

"Go ahead. I hate fish."

"What's with you Mavis? You haven't even touched yours." Spinner eyed my notebook when he turned his head towards me.

"Not hungry." I highlighted something, before closing my notebook with a big sigh because I felt the others looking towards me, too. "I don't like eating with others."

"Others? Why?"

"Let me specify, I don't like eating with people that attacked children just for fun." I pulled my feet up to the sofa, making it for myself more comfortable. Dabi laid his hand down between us, and my eyes dropped there immediately.

"Come on, that wasn't 'just for fun'..." Mr, Compress said from the stool besides me. "Tell me what you want, but attacking teenagers is a really low blow, and a pathetic one at that."

I put my notebook down on the floor, besides the sofa because they were eating sushi and I don't want soy sauce on my notebook. When I turned my head, I noticed Dabi's hand again and it was annoying me. "Move your hand away." I stepped on it and instead of pulling away, he grabbed my ankle and yanked me to his side of the sofa.

"Try it again." His hand started burning slightly, and I kicked him with my other foot, balancing myself with one hand on the back of the green couch and the other one behind me.

"Let go of me you burned shit."

"That nickname came out of your mouth too often, maybe try something else."

"What about rejected Gucci bag?" I said sarcastically.

Spinner chocked out a laugh, but he stopped when Dabi set his sushi on fire. "Hey!"

We looked all over to Twice when he hit that sound thing to pray for Toga. What are they called again?

"Twice, why are you crying?" I asked as I kicked Dabi again in the chest. This time, he let go of my ankle and I scowled down at the slightly red mark on my skin. I had my boots off, so nothing covered that spot. "Fucking lunatic." I muttered.

"Toga, I'm sorry! If you hadn't shared your blood, then right around now Toga would be..."

"Please stop that." Toga said, sitting behind Twice on a purple beanbag. "I'm alive, so I don't like it."

"Let's stop doing what other people don't like!" Twice kicked the little prayer thingy to the side, then gasped in disbelief.  "My leg's moving on its own! What're you doing, leg?"

Spinner got a towel to put out the fire, slapping it on the already burned sushi and utensils but at the end, the towel got caught on fire.

"Mavis, a little help!" Spinner yelped, Mr. Compress standing up to help the man who flings the towel in the air rapidly to try and extinguish the fire.

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