Its a start

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They spent the rest of the day playing and hanging out with the boys. After a nap they built a witches tower out of blocks and then had fun crushing it again and the boys played dress up and Harry was Tinkerbell while Louis was Peter Pan and Niall was some weird bird. Evening neared quickly and the men decided to make pasta pomodoro for dinner so Zayn did that while Liam tidied away all the boys toys and the kids watched a movie.
"So all seems good with the twins so far" Liam said washing dishes and glancing into the living room where the boys were still in costumes but completely still. Louis was in the middle with Harry's head on his lap and Niall nestled into his left arm Louis had three fingers in his mouth, Harry was playing with his ears and Niall was sucking his thumb peacefully.
"I know truth be told I didn't think they'd get on as well as they have" Zayn said stirring the sauce.
"Yeah me too especially since Nialls a bit younger" Liam replied.
"They look adorable in their costumes don't they?" Zayn cooed.
"Yeah they do" Liam agreed.
"Boys time to come wash your hands!" Zayn shouted, the boys all ran over to the kitchen clearly hungry.
"Look Papa m birdie!" Niall said loudly.
"I see baby are you a nice birdie or an angry birdie?" Zayn asked.
" 'm nice birdie!" Niall declared.
"Dad, me n Hazza are dressed up too!" Louis said to Liam.
"Ah so we have a Peter Pan and a Tinkerbell do we?" Liam asked.
"Yes! I'll never grow up!" Louis said.
"If you say so Peter" Liam chuckled.
"Uh huh cos we're going to The Netherlands" Harry said.
"Neverland sweetie not The Netherlands" Liam corrected.
"What's da difence?" Niall asked.
"The Netherlands is a country in Europe" Louis mumbled.
"That's right Ace" Liam said ruffling Louis hair and he blushed underneath his messy locks.
"Come on then Foods Up!" Zayn cheered. The boys washed their hands and Niall got strapped into his high chair. Liam decided to feed Niall this meal because he normally found pasta too slippery.
Louis ditched his fork about halfway through the meal and ended up shoving pasta shells into his mouth and missing half the time. The chatter was very lively at dinner filled with mindless kiddy talk.
Zayn got up and started to clear away the dishes while the boys finished their conversation. Liam started to wet a flannel.
"Right c'mere ya filthy animals" He said in a funny voice that made the boys giggle.
"Come on faces need washing, hands need cleaning" Liam said picking Niall up from the high chair. He wiped all three of the boys faces Harry's only really for good measure.
"Alright Nialler, methinks it's time for bed it is" Liam said in Yoda voice.
"Noo Dada bit wonger" Niall asked.
"I don't think so Ni" Zayn said.
"But Papie..." Niall started.
"No buts, do you want me or Daddy?" He asked.
"You" Niall grumbled.
"Okay say goodnight to your brothers" Zayn said.
"G'nigh Loubear, G'nigh 'arry" Niall said.
"G'night Nialler" Louis said.
"Night night" Harry said.
Zayn got Niall his evening bottle and then took him upstairs for for storytime.
"Right boys you've got about 45 minutes until bedtime, what would you like to do?" Liam asked.
"Hmm football!?" Louis suggested.
"Bit dark for that Boobear got to do something inside calmly" Liam said.
"Bout colourin?" Harry asked.
"Noooo" Louis said.
"I know how about a board game?" Liam suggested.
"Ooh yeah!" Louis said excitedly.
"M'kay" Harry nodded.
They got out a dinosaur board game and the three played that for a bit. Liam and Zayn had bought so many board games but Niall was a bit young for most of them so it would be nice having some older kids to play. In this game you were collecting archaeological fossils as they make their way across the desert. Louis got really into it while Harry was more interested in giving the dinosaurs pretty names.
"Haha, I got the brachiosaurus foot!" Louis exclaimed adding another piece to his collection. Liam had noticed that Lou was actually super competitive it was pretty endearing.
"Good job Lewster!" Harry clapped happily.
"So now you role boobear" Liam instructed.
"Okay!" Louis said. "5! 1,2,3,4 ... 5! That's the tomb isn't it Daddy? Did I win?"
"Yes chugger you did win!" Liam said.
"And Hazza, you were really close toooooo!" Louis said to his brother who was a few spaces behind.
Harry's face lit up as Louis praised him.
"And Daddy..." Louis frowned looking at Liams pathetic place on the board then snickered cutely and whispered to Harry who burst out laughing.
"Yeah, yeah I let you rugrats win!" Liam said in fake defence sending the boys into giggles.
"Looks like you lot are having fun" Zayn commented as he came into the living room.
"Uh huh, we played game" Harry mispronounced.
"Did you?" Zayn asked.
"Yesh Papa! 'N I won, b-but Haz came second an-and and D-daddy did rub-rubbish!" Louis stuttered excitedly.
"Oh well done Ace" Zayn said ruffling Louis hair.
"And you buggy" He said ruffling Harry's hair.
"Where's my hair ruffle?" Liam pouted.
"You didn't even get halfway across the board" Zayn smirked again making the boys laugh.
"Right well on that note, I think it's time for bath and bed!" Liam declared.
"Noooooo 5 more minutes" Louis whined.
"Yessssss" Liam said matching his tone.
"Not sleepy though!" Louis argued stifling a little yawn.
"Me neifer" Harry whispered.
"I know what gets little boys sleepy!" Zayn said.
"What? Is it a potion?" Louis asked.
"Nope better than that" Zayn said.
"Chockie milk!" He announced.
"Yay!" The boys cheered.
"After your baths" Liam intervened.
"Boooo" The boys booed making Zayn smirk.
Liam and Zayn took them upstairs for baths.
"You want to do Lou while I do Harry?" Zayn asked.
"Sure" Liam said and ushered Louis into his bathroom. Zayn took a now very quiet Harry into the bathroom and ran a warm low bath and mixed in some bubbles.
"Right Harry let's get you undressed" Zayn said. Quietly Harry removed his T shirt and Zayn realized how malnourished he was. You could see it easier with Louis because he was short so he looked generally tiny but Harry had protruding ribs and looked very fragile. They assumed it was the care home because of the low budgets and the boys didn't seem to eat very much.
"Okay, trousers?" Zayn suggested.
"Need help" Harry murmured.
"That's okay here I'll undo this button and you step out" Zayn said to the now trembling boy who had his eyes fixed on the water. Harry timidly stepped out of his jeans and undies and as Zayn lifted him up about to place him in the bath he let out the hoarsest little scream.
"What's going on?" Liam asked urgently rushing in with a shirtless Louis on his hip.
"Here baby, you don't need to get in right away" Zayn said setting the now crying boy on his hip.
"Mmm" Harry whimpered through distressed cries.
"What is it buggy, what don't you like, come on talk to me" Zayn soothingly bounced the boy who was crying hysterically. A few more minutes and Harry not calming down, Louis squirmed around in Liams arms. When Liam let him down he tugged on Harry's leg gently until Zayn let him down. Louis carefully took the blubbering boys hand and led him out into the hallway.
"What's going on?" Liam mouthed.
"I don't know" Zayn mouthed back. The two men quietly stepped into the hallway to see the two boys sat on the floor up against the wall Louis had his arm around Harry who buried his face into Louis chest.
"Hazzie, its alright, got you, 'm here" Louis said rubbing soothing circles into his brothers back.
"Loubear, don't wike it" Harry muttered through sniffles.
"The water?" Louis asked. Harry nodded.
"Why not?" Louis asked comfortingly.
"Scawy" Harry sniffled.
"I promise it's not - it's not like how it was in the house, its warm wif toys n bubbles" Louis said.
"Weally?" Harry looked up.
"Yeah" Louis said, "So will you do it?"
"Wif you?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, you can have a bath with me" Louis decided. He stood up first and offered a hand to his twin who stumbled as he took it. Liam and Zayn quickly ducked back into the bathroom.
"Hi Daddy, hi paps, c'n harry 'ave a bath wif me pease?" Louis asked politely.
"Of course Kicker." Liam said.
"Let's go use the big bath" Zayn said.
They took the boys into the master bathroom and ran a bath filled with bubbles. Zayn went to get the bath toys which were mostly just little ducks and sharks in multiple colours while Liam finished undressing Louis.
"Mmm" Harry whimpered as Zayn tried to get him to step into the bath.
"Here Hazza look at me!" Louis said pulling funny faces while Liam lifted him into the bath.
Louis sat down and continued pulling the faces until Harry smiled.
While Harry was distracted laughing at Louis' antics, Zayn quickly placed him into the bath and before he knew it he was say in the warm bubbly water.
"See, tis nice" Louis said.
"Yeah, wanna pway duckies?" Harry asked.
The boys played ducks and sharks for about 10 minutes before they actually had to get clean.
"Alright kiddos let's do some washing now" Liam said with a blue soapy flannel in hand.
The boys let Liam clean them right up until he needed to do their privates.
"Lou I got to do it down there as well buddy" Liam said.
"Uh uh, " Louis declared shaking his head.
"Please chugger" Liam pleaded looking over at Zayn who had no problem with Harry.
"I c'n do it" He said and reached for the flannel. Reluctantly liam gave it to him and let him wash himself.
"Okay let's do hair and then get you two boys out of here" Zayn said. They used a special cup to wash the boys hair and carefully rinsed out all the soap.
They got the boys out with relative ease.
"Now we have bunny towels or bear or lion or froggy or monkey?" Zayn said browsing the towels.
"Bunny pwease" Harry said.
"Here you are, Lou?" Zayn asked wrapping harry in a hooded bunny towel.
"Hmmm monkey!" Louis chose.
"Magic word" Liam intervened.
"Pease" Louis grumbled cutely.
"Here we go" Zayn said putting the hooded monkey towel over Louis.
Once the boys were dry they changed into matching pajamas it was a two piece set and Louis' were dark blue with multi colour stripes in yellow, orange, green and red while Harry's were white with stripes in pink, yellow and purple.
"Now I think it's time for chokkie milk and a story huh?" Liam said to the sleepy yet excited boys.
"Yeah!" Louis cheered.
"Just to check do you want chocolate or vanilla?" Zayn asked.
"Chockie please" Louis said.
"Nilla? Pease" Harry said. Liam got them situated in the couch, shrouded with fluffy blankets and pillows as he put the fire on. Zayn came in to see the two boys on either side of their daddy snuggled in looking adorable with wet hair, sleepy faces and matching pajamas.
"Don't you three look adorable" Zayn muttered making all three of them grin.
He handed each boy a sippy cup of warm milk to prevent spillage and then took his seat on the armchair.
"Wheres da book?" Harry asked.
"We don't need one, Papa tells the best stories from his head" Liam said.
"Once upon a time there lived an old seamstress with very little money, she hated being a seamstress and only had one true dream, to be a musician..." Zayn said as the boys nestled closer sleepily.
"... And that is how the little old seamstress became the greatest pianist in the world" Zayn finished. The two boys had droopy eyes and were fighting sleep neither of them finished their sippy cup although Louis did have chocolate all over his chin.
"Right let's get you off to bed" Liam said standing up.
"Carry" Louis murmured.
"Course" Liam said picking him up as Zayn did the same for Harry.
When they got to the place where the rooms divided they set the boys down.
"Okay so say goodnight please boys" Zayn said.
"Goodnight please boys" Louis smirked tiredly making Harry laugh.
The men let out a little laugh.
"You know what I mean" Zayn rolled his eyes playfully.
"G'night Hazza" Louis said sweetly. Harry just collided into him with a huge hug. The men cooed at this and connected hands as they watched their boys hug for a good 3 minutes.
"Night Loubear" Harry said.
"Goodnight Louis" Zayn said with a kiss to his forehead.
"Goodnight Harry" Liam said kissing Harry's forehead.
Zayn ushered Harry into his room while Liam did the same for Lou but instead of taking him to the bedroom he took him into the bathroom making Louis confused.
"Daddy, just went potty" Louis said confusedly.
"I know baby" Liam said taking out a cars themed pull up.
"No" Louis said plainly.
"Louis this is just a precaution because I know you have trouble holding it in at night" Liam said.
"That was ages ago, 'm big boy now" Louis said proudly.
Liam wasn't sure whether to believe him, Nicky had said he gets frequent nightmares because of his padre but then again Louis seems pretty persistent.
"And you definitely don't need one?" Liam checked.
"Don't need it" Louis shook his head.
"Alright you can go without but you're not telling your Papa okay?" Liam said.
Louis grinned cheekily.
"Okay" He said.
Liam picked up the sleepy boy and tucked him into his bed.
"Goodnight Lewster" Liam said giving his forehead a kiss.
"G'night Daddy" Louis yawned.
Liam gently shut Louis' door and crept out watching Zayn do the same for Harry's room but letting the door hang slightly ajar upon instruction.
"Is he asleep?" Liam mouthed.
"Yeah, out like a light" Zayn whispered.
The two made their way downstairs although it was only about 7.45 they were utterly exhausted. They both went into the living room and Liam switched on a war documentary.
"Uh uh uh" Zayn said pouring some wine. "Too boring, change it over"
Liam groaned and flipped the channel to a crime drama which they half watched as they sipped red wine and cuddled.
"So how do you think today went?" Liam said looking straight at the TV.
"Yeah good few issues but we couldn't have asked for much better" Zayn said also looking at the TV.
"Did Harry go to sleep alright?" Liam asked.
"Pretty much seemed a bit anxious sleeping away from Lou," Zayn said.
"Yeah about that, do you reckon we oughta have given them a shared room?" Liam said looking at Zayn.
"I don't know, why, do you?" Zayn replied looking into his husband's dreamy hazel eyes.
"Well if theres one thing I learnt today it's how close the twins are" Liam said.
"I know it's quite remarkable in a way" Zayn agreed.
"The way they know what each others thinking, how to comfort each other, crazy" Liam said.
"Yeah" Zayn agreed. The two looked back to the TV for a couple minutes.
"Zayn?" Liam said.
"Yeah?" Zayn replied
"I think this is gonna work" Liam said.
"So do I" Zayn agreed.
The couple went to bed about an hour later and everything was good until they heard stirring from the baby monitor they put in the boys rooms.
"Zee what's that?" Liam asked urgently shaking his husband awake.
"Huh are the boys okay?" Zayn asked tiredness dripping through his tone.
"I don't know" Liam replied getting up and heading into Louis' room. They found the boy sat bolt upright in bed drenched in sweat hyperventilating heavily as silent streams of tears run down his cheeks.
Zayn immediately jumped into parent mode at the sight of this.
"Louis look at me, I'm going to help you to calm down" Zayn said rushing next to hyperventilating boy.
"Can you take deep breaths for me Lou, here follow my lead" Zayn said modelling some inhales and exhales. Zayn tried to touch Louis hand but the shaking boy quickly pulled away.
"N-no ... to-touch" Was all Louis murmured.
"... H-har-harry.." Louis stuttered choking on his words as his body shook uncontrollably.
"Harry?" Zayn repeated.
"N-ne-need" Louis stuttered.
"Loulou?" Harry said sleepily from the doorway.
"Harry I'm not sure if it's a good idea for you to be here why don't I take you back to bed" Liam said glancing nervously at his husband desperately trying to calm down the boy.
"No, Louis needs me" Harry said determinedly breaking out of Liams arms and running over to his twin.
"Lou what happn'd?" Harry said.
Louis just shook his head and pointed at Liam and Zayn. He gestured for Harry to come closer and harry wrapped his arms around Louis and let Louis rest his little head on his chest, listening to his twins heartbeat always calmed Louis down.
Zayn backed away a little to stand next to his husband who was gawking at the sight of his boys.
Louis felt much better under Harry's embrace and after a few minutes reduced to just shaky breaths.
"I h-had a nightmare" Louis said softly to both his brother and his watchful daddies.
"About erm ... him?" Harry asked.
Louis just nodded shyly.
"H-he hurt you, and I told him to stop and h-he hit me and called me that word he always used..." Louis trailed.
"Worthless" The boys whispered in unison. Although Louis' father did like Louis there were multiple times when he would hit him if he did anything wrong.
The two mens heart broke at that, how could anyone think that these two wonderful babies are worthless. The two boys joined hands and just spoke without speaking reminding each other that it's okay.
"Louis, Harry I just want you boys to know that you're not worthless, you are some of the brightest, most brilliant, wonderful boys we've ever had the pleasure of meeting. You're both funny and talented and brave and kind and so incredibly strong" Zayn said wholeheartedly.
"You're safe here we will never ever ever let anyone hurt you, we love you so much" Liam added.
The two boys just looked at their fathers with the happiest little sleepy faces knowing that they are safe.
"Right, I think we need to get to bed now eh?" Zayn said.
"Papa 'm wet" Louis said quietly.
"That's okay, that's what the pull up is for" Zayn said.
"Uhhh..." Liam started and Zayn faced him sternly.
"He might not have been wearing the pull up" Liam said scratching his neck.
"My fault I didn't wanna wear it cos 'm a b-big boy" Louis said sadly.
"Lou darling it's okay, these things happen to all of us, even us big boys but sometimes we need a little extra help controlling ourselves so that's why we wear the pull ups" Zayn said.
"Fanks paps" Louis said.
"Can Louwee sleep with me tonight pleaaassseee?" Harry asked.
"Yeah of course buggy, you go with Liam and I'll being him in, in a sec" Zayn said. After that Zayn ran a quick bath for Louis and made sure the tired boy was all clean. He picked up a pull up for Louis with cars on it and the boy was so sleepy he only let out a groan in protest. He put Louis in a dark red onesie and carried the boy to Harry's room where Liam was sat next to Harry who was fighting sleep.
"This one was adamant about waiting for his brother" Liam said.
"Got him here now" Zayn said chuckling and tucking Louis next to Harry the two boys instantly fell asleep next to each other.
"Goodnight twins" Liam whispered.
"Sweet dreams" Zayn said.

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