Meet the family!

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A few days had passed and Liam and Zayn had decided it was time for the boys to meet the family. Initially they were planning on just having Louis and Harry meet Yaser and Trisha (Nana and Nani) but a very interesting phone call with Geoff and Karen occurred.

Something you should know about Liam was that he has never really had the best relationship with his parents... up until high school he was an absolute star, captain of the football team, popular, jocular and outgoing, he also got very good marks in school. Then he met Zayn aged 17 and realized he was gay, but coming out to his parents was very difficult. Geoff especially is very traditional, loves football, beer, Jesus Christ, cologne and hunting so he felt like he'd failed as a father watching his only child stood in front of him looking so vulnerable as he told him who he really is. Naturally they demanded to meet Zayn and now think he turned Liam gay with his brazen sexuality. Needless to say Liam now has a very strained relationship with his parents only really visiting at Christmas which is why it was such a shock when Liam got a call from his father.

Two days earlier

Ring Ring
"Babe! Can you get it?" Zayn shouted from the shower, hearing the phone ring from downstairs.
"On it honey!" Liam called heading out from where he had just settled his three boys in the playroom with some alphabet blocks. Liam saw the caller ID, the number was unsaved but unmistakable. He paused and the world silenced with him, halting the kiddies cheers from the playroom, the shower running from his husband, the dog barking next door, just him and the caller ID he never sees.
"Babe?" Zayn asked now in the living room shirtless with basketball shorts on and a towel around his shoulders. "Babe who is it?"
Liam turned around, still holding the phone in his trembling hands, giving his husband the kind of cryptic look he always dreaded.
"It's my dad"
"No shit? What the fuck does he want?" Zayn said bitterness riddling his tone.
"No clue" Liam replied ominously.
"Well answer it then" Zayn said. Liam gave a small nod before accepting the call.
"Hell-" He started.
"Bloody hell! How many bloody rings does it take to answer a phone boy! For God's sake!" Geoff cursed into the phone.
"Geez, sorry I was in the shower" Liam lied.
"Always in the shower..." Geoff muttered.
"Anyway... can I help you father?" Liam asked.
"No greeting? Pleasantries? God you millennials, never any manners" His father muttered again.
"Sorry, father, how are you dad?" Liam said faking a pleasant tone.
"Good Thankyou boy, shot down a huge doe this morning, ya mother and I are in for a feast" Geoff replied in his growly inscrutable tone of voice.
"Glad to hear it, I'm a bit busy though Dad, I think Harry's trying to talk to me, so would you mind hurrying up?" Liam asked.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, what's this about you adopting two more kids? Why weren't me and your old ma informed?" The man barked down the line.
"Um sorry, a bit busy I guess" Liam lied again.
"Well I hope you're not too busy this weekend cos your mother and I will be coming to visit, we want to assess the damage so far" Geoff muttered. What did that mean?
"Whatever, umm Trish and Yas are coming on saturday if you want to come then? Around two?" Liam offered knowing there was no way to get out of this although his husband was frantically shaking his head and mimicking a gunshot making Liam chuckle.
"Ugh, fine, I'll tell Karen" Geoff said before hanging up. Liam shook his head as he closed his phone.
"Goodbye to you too" He grumbled sarcastically.
"Well?" His impatient husband urged.
"He's coming over, with mum, this Saturday, says he wants to meet the boys" Liam replied.
"Oh great! It's not like once a year is enough" Zayn spat.
"I know, I'm sorry baby, I know you don't like him" Liam comforted his relatively angry husband.
"Its fine, he just really rubs me the wrong way" Zayn said through gritted teeth.
"I know, but we'll have each other and he's normally alright when there are kids present" liam said.

So now it was the morning of the visit and the family were chomping down on some breakfast.
"What's 'appenin' today papi!" Harry said excitedly. He's not usually the most outgoing child so the men were really pleased when he was in one of these adorable giddy moods. He was so excited that the usually tidy boy was spilling syrup all over his pajama top.
"Well buggy, we have a very exciting day because you boys are going to get to meet your grandparents-" Zayn started.
"NANI AND NANA!" Niall screeched excited at the mention.
The men chuckled at their youngest.
"Who dey?" Louis asked, for once the calmest child around the table probably because of how sleepy he is this morning, always a nightmare to get out of bed.
"They are papas parents and you'll call them Nani and Nana, they're very nice and if you're lucky might bring some presents" Liam hyped.
"Yay! Pwessies!" Niall cheered rapidly clapping his hands.
"But- it's not day of Christ" Harry said confusedly, similar to how he reacted when the men bought them toys last week.
"Harry baby, we've been over this, sometimes you boys get presents anyway and it is a special occasion because you've never met Nani or Nana before" Liam said.
"Guess so, H getsta wear his princess dress maybe?" Harry asked cutely playing with his curls.
"Maybe not a princess one but you can pick out another dress, we have to dress quite smart though because Grandma and Grandpa are also coming" Zayn said apprehensively.
"Nooo! Gwandiepa is mean to 'naminals n gwandiema twied to bwush my air" Niall protested.
"Niall don't be rude" Zayn hissed.
"Its okay babe, Niall you will have to tolerate your grandparents and be polite, you remember what tolerate means?" Liam asked.
"Uhm.. no" Niall said shovelling toast in his mouth.
"Haz?" Liam offered. Harry looked at him blankly.
"Go on then ace" Liam said looking at his oldest who had ants in his pants.
"Is when you put up wiff somett even if you don't like it" Louis grumbled into his food without looking up.
"That's right superstar, now is everybody finished because I can spy three little boys that need their faces washed" Zayn announced.
"Noooo!" Louis complained, giggling as Zayn lathered the little lads face with a flannel and puckering him with kisses before repeating the exact process with Niall and Harry.
"Come on then rascals, let's get you lot dressed and ready to go then!" Liam said. And just like every morning liam took Niall into the nursery to get dressed while Zayn took the hands of a giggly Harry and his twin to get them ready. Louis went to brush his teeth on his own because apparently he's a big boy... that can't do buttons cos they're tricky while Zayn carried little Harry on his shoulders to the bedroom.
"Down you get troublemaker" zayn said plonking the active boy on the bed.
" 'm not twoublemaker, 'm good! Papi! Good!" Harry declared.
"Of course, how could I forget my good as gold little princess" Zayn said ruffling Harry's disorderly curls that were so long they covered half his face.
"Now I've picked this out for you sweetheart is that alright?" Zayn asked pulling out a longer skirt and t shirt.
"Uh uh papa! Hazzie is big boy! Wanna pick for myself!" Harry said adamantly.
"Okay then pumpkin your wish is my command" Zayn said.

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