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Only a few more days had passed since school began and things were going better for everybody. Harry was easing into school life quite a bit as well, thankfully he hadn't had any encounters with bullies which was another of Liam and Zayn's concerns considering what happened in the park a few weeks ago. The school was very nice and small and they had a pretty big focus on discipline. Harry was still pretty shaky with the whole thing, a few tears most mornings were expected but he's been communicating verbally more and more every day which the men couldn't be happier about. He had even made a couple of friends at school, in particular this boy Michael's name kept popping up in conversations, they had glanced at him a few times throughout pickups but were yet to meet him, from the way Harry talks about him he's another slightly feminine boy but a little quieter than Harry. 

All this was, of course, incredibly relieving for Liam, who since Harry's first day, was riddled with guilt about not telling Zayn that he had promised Harry he was allowed to quit school by the end of the week and now he was dying for the week to end. He really hadn't thought it through when he told Harry that and he was regretting it greatly. But as long as Harry was settling in, Zayn didn't need to know a thing.

Louis and Niall had also settled into schooling well, with Niall in Mr Higgins nursery class Tuesday-Thursday and all round loving it. He was still at that very innocent age where everyone was friends with everyone and his fathers beamed at all his mealtime conversations about the friends he was making and the games they would play. In fact they could always rely on little Niall to bring a bit of joy to the family in the face of adversity.

It was now the Thursday of the first week and having just picked up Niall from nursery a few minutes prior, Zayn and Niall were stood outside the busy school gates waiting for the twins. This was all very habitual by now, Zayn would finish painting around 2.30 then run some errands and collect Niall at 3. The two of them would spend the next half hour stomping around on field walks or going for a little drive together before heading back to school to pick up the twins at half past. Louis always took forever to come out of school properly, he'd be seen saying goodbye to each of his mates as they leisurely strolled out of class, doing last minute card trades or babbling knock knock jokes or footie updates to a chuckling Mr Corden on duty. All in all he was always having too much fun to worry about his freezing family shivering at the gates.

Not today though, today Louis came racing out of the classroom in his red mac, waving a sheet of a4 paper as he he sprinted through the damp tarmac and over to where Niall and Papa were waiting with wide smiles on their faces, curious to see what their Loubear was grinning about.
"Papa! L-look! Look here" Louis said out of breath as he reached his group. He gave the A4 page to Zayn who read it with intrigue.
"J-James, sorry, Mr C-corden nominated me for it" Louis began as Zayns face slowly lifted as he read on.
"Wat? Wat you nom-ima-mated for?" Niall asked with wide eyes as he sucked a few of his fingers.
"The school football team?" Zayn exclaimed happily.
"Yes! He chose me 'n Luke 'n Hadie for the tryouts, you just have to sign the f-form there cos I've gotsta get it back to J- Mr Corden n-now" Louis beamed with excitement, so much so that his stutter was returning.
"Brilliant Lou, I'll do it right now, aw I'm so proud of you" Zayn said pecking his sons forehead.
"Fanks paps I'm so excited to tell daddy!" Louis exclaimed doing a little dance with a giggly nini who was twirling contently.
"Yesh loulou bery pwoud" Niall said planting a sloppy kiss on Louis' forehead.
By now Harry had also reached the group and began prodding Louis in the tummy, trying to get his attention. Harry's day had been pretty lonely considering Michael was at the dentist and Harry really wanted to tell Louis about how the TA, Angelina had told him all about the new mario game after he drew his princess each picture at lunch.

Louis however, was so busy trying to get Zayn to hurry up signing the form he didn't really acknowledge Harry insyead taking the paper the second Zayn had finished, kissing his twins cheek rushedly and zooming off to where Hadie and Mr Corden were chatting about the forms. Zayn watched in awe as Louis was in his element giving in the form and listening to James summarise the details of the tryouts, doing his secret handshake with Hadie and fistbumping James in excitement. In fact Zayn might have even been so occupied watching Louis that he might not have noticed Harry trying to show him the princess peach drawing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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