Visits #2

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It was very early in the morning of the second visit to the new additions and Liam and Zayn were sleeping soundly. Around 5am when Liam heard the baby monitor in Nialls room report some movement. Liam had always been a light sleeper so tiredly pulled himself out of bed and headed into Nialls room.
"Nini? What are you doing up Sunny?" Liam asked groggily to the little boy sat cross legged fullof energy in his crib.
"Can't sweep Dada" Niall shook his head.
"Oh and whys that?" Liam asked softly.
"Too 'cited" He mispronounced.
"Oh because you get to meet your brothers today?" Liam asked.
"Yeah!" Niall said energetically.
"But you're going to need your energy for that playing so maybe you need to go back to sleep for a bit?" Liam suggested.
"Can't!" Niall bounced. Liam knew there was no way he would get his boy back to sleep so he decided he would take an earlier nap.
"Alright then monkey, did you go potty?" Liam asked lifting him out of the crib. Niall nodded proudly and Liam lay him on the table and removed his onesie. He did peekaboo with the giggling baby to distract him whilst he removed the heavily soiled diaper.
"My goodness that's a lot of poopie" Liam joked in his baby voice making Niall giggle further.
He threw it away and wiped the baby clean before applying a generous amount of powder and taping a big fluffy diaper with beard on it and putting Niall in new pajamas for the morning.
"Okay all clean!" Liam cheered.
"Awl cwean!" Niall repeated.
The men went downstairs to the kitchen and Liam sat Niall on the counter.
"Well it's a bit early for breakfast sunny but would you like a bottle?" He asked. Niall nodded so Liam filled a little yellow bottle with milk, added a dash of chocolate and heated in the microwave for the baby.
The ding made Niall giggle violently and Liam fonded at the boy.
"Here you are good sir" Liam said in a posh voice.
"Tank oo" Niall said taking it.
"Such good manners" Liam murmured. "So a little bit of time before Lazy old Papa wakes up, what do you want to do quietly?" Liam asked.
" 'toons?" Niall asked.
"A little early for screens how about a story?" Liam suggested. Niall nodded apprehensively he much preferred his Papas stories that he made up with all the funny characters and voices.
"Okay then go pick one sunny" Liam instructed and Niall ran to the bookcase and selected Peter Rabbit and The Wondrous Wheat fields. The pair cuddled and read while Niall deank his bottle. He only gets one of his fathers to do it if he's tired.
"Hello there you two" Zayn said walking into the living room.
"Hiya Papaw" Niall smiled.
"What are you guys doing up so early?" He asked.
"This one got up at 5 excited to meet his brothers and couldn't go back to sleep so I changed him and we came down and read a story for a bit" Liam said.
"Aw babe you don't always have to do that when he wakes up, I'm happy to sometimes" Zayn said pecking his husband on the cheek.
"I don't mind besides your always busy snoring away isn't that right Niall?" He asked the boy in his lap.
Niall grinned cheekily. "Yep!"
"Oh is that so?" Zayn said getting his tickle hands out. Niall nodded sheepishly.
"Yeah wike this, horrr, horrr" Niall mimicked.
"That's it!" Zayn declared and ran over to Niall and began relentlessly tickling him. Nialls giggles are the purest sounds on this earth and Zayn and Liam loved hearing them.
"Papie... s-stop!" Niall exclaimed between laughs.
"Who's Papie I am the tickle monster!" Zayn growled.
"Tickle monster ... stop!" Niall shouted.
"Magic word?" Zayn asked.
"P-pwease!" Niall said happily.
"Only cos you asked so nicely" Zayn growled stopping.
"Now who's ready for some breakfast?" Zayn asked in a normal voice.
"Mee!!" Niall shouted.
"Mee!!" Liam repeated making Niall laugh again.
"You're gonna tire yourself out with all this giggling Niall!" Zayn commented.
After that Zayn made some toast for the three of them and grapes and dry cheerios which he put on Nialls plate who stuffed them in his mouth with his fingers. Then Liam and Zayn went and got dressed and showered while Niall watched Thomas the Tank engine. Liam returned first wearing a dark grey shirt, navy sweater and black jeans. His hair was quiffed neatly and he had his reading glasses on and smelled off coffee. He scooped Niall up and took him upstairs to get him ready.
"Need another change baby?" He asked picking out some clothes for the boy sat cross legged on the story chair.
"Uh uh Dada" Niall replied.
"Alright, this okay munchkin?" He asked holding up a pair of blue jeans and a long sleeved striped top withe the multicolored letters 'cutie pie'. Niall saw this and buried his face in his hands cutely but nodded still. He secretly loves that shirt.
Liam helped dress Niall and get his teeth brushed and then it was time to go.
"Ready babe?" Zayn asked.
"Ready" Liam said. They left extra time for the drive because they wanted to pick up some little presents for the boys.
"Where we go Dada?" Niall asked confusedly.
"Target, we thought we'd pick up some presents for your brothers first" Liam replied.
"Oh otay!" Niall hummed.
Once in the store they went straight to the kids section which was divided into boys and girls.
"What do dey wike?" Niall asked from the cart he was buckled in.
"Louis loves football, power rangers, star wars and action figures" Zayn said.
"What about that?" Niall said pointing to a set of star wars figurines with all the main characters.
"Perfect sunny" Liam said picking it up.
"What bout 'arry?" Niall asked.
"How about we look over there babe?" Zayn said gesturing to the girls section.
"But he's a boy wight?" Niall asked confusedly.
"Yes Baby but it's important to know that Harry isn't quite like most boys he likes to play with dolls and princesses and wear pink and that's perfectly fine" Zayn said. Niall was still confused bit seemed to get enough of the gist so he nodded.
"How about this?" Liam said holding up a matching Disney princess figurine set.
"Great!" Zayn said.
"And Ni because you've been such a good boy you can pick out a toy as well" Liam said.
"Weally yay!" Niall cheered. He took a bit of time picking it out but in the end chose a play Mobil farmhouse.
They checked out and then went back on the road and arrived fir their appointment a couple minutes early.
"Now Ni, you know what this place is right?" Zayn asked wanting him to understand this was a sensitive unfamiliar place they talked about the night prior but he wanted to confirm he should know already because he was adopted and he knows this but it was when he was only a few months old.
"Its a pwace for kids who can't wive wif dere mummies n Daddies, so dey stay here until dey find dere fowever home like me" Niall said recalling their previous conversation.
"Very good and some if these children have had very difficult lives so we need to be gentle and calm inside" Liam said.
"Otay" Niall replied and they went in.
"Liam! Zayn! Hello, is this your little boy?" She asked.
"Hi Nicky sure is" Liam said.
"What's your name sweetheart?" She asked.
" 'm Niall!" He replied happily.
"Isn't he darling! I'm Nicky are you excited to meet your brothers?" She asked.
"Yesh fankyou," Niall replied.
"Speaking of the boys are they around we bought presents too" Zayn asked.
"Oh how kind they don't have a lot that isn't shared the boys are just waking up from their naps while we wait I just wanted to ask you about your house visit?" She said.
"Yes sure" Liam said.
"So we have your address and an adjudicator will be round on Friday to make the assessment and if that's all good you take the boys home next week?" She said.
"Great! Which day?" Zayn asked.
"Any day is fine but perhaps Tuesday again around 12?" She suggested.
"Yep that's perfect" Liam said. Just then they saw Louis stumbling down the stairs with Harry in tow holding his hand. Louis' hair was even messier than usual and very fluffy while Harry's curls looked a little disorderly but practically perfect their clothes were a little creased from their nap and their eyes were sleepy but bright. Louis wore a long sleeved white shirt with a dark blue checkered button down over the top and jeans while Harry wore blue Jean's with butterfly embroidery and a long sleeve plain yellow shirt.
"Hi boys" Zayn said.
"Liam, Zayn!" Louis exclaimed and ran down the stairs.
"Louis don't run that's dangerous, second time today!" Nicole scolded.
"Sorry" Louis said more interested in hugging his new fathers.
Harry quickly followed and hugged them as well. Niall had to say he felt a teensy bit left out.
"Boys we have someone we would like you to meet" Liam said.
Louis gasped, "The boy from the pictures"
"Yeah, want to introduce yourself sunny?" Zayn nudged.
" 'm Niall! 'm 2½ and I wuv animals n pirates n paw patwol n twucks!" Niall said proudly.
"Hi Niall I'm Louis I've just turned 5, I love Star Wars, pirates too, music, power rangers and football!" Louis introduced loudly.
"You wike piwates!" Niall exclaimed.
"Uh huh, when me and Harry play I'm Captain Lewster and he's Swashbuckler Curly beard!" Louis explained.
"Dats soooooo cool I wanna name!" Niall said.
"You can be Admiral Nialler The Blonde," Louis declared.
"Cool! Papa Daddy, 'm Admiwal Nialler da Bwonde!" Niall said to his Daddies.
"Well Admiral that's great how about you ask curlybeard a bit about himself" Liam said sending Harry was a little left out.
"Hewwo! What's your name?" Niall asked giving Harry a shy wave.
"M Harry I'm also 5" Harry said putting up only 4 fingers.
"I wike your curwy 'air" Niall complimented touching Harry's hair.
"Fankyou" Harry said quietly.
"Oo Papie, Dada c'n we give 'arry n Loulou their pwesents?" Niall said remembering the gifts.
"Of course sunny" Zayn said unloading his backpack. They didn't have time to wrap them but they put them in blue and purple gift bags.
"So this one is for Harry" Zayn said taking the purple bag. Harry gasped at seeing it he has never had very much.
"Thankyou so much" Harry said politely.
"Good manners" Liam murmured.
"And Lou here is yours chugger" Zayn said handing him the blue bag.
"Fankyou!" Louis said gratefully.
Louis ripped into his first revealing the star wars action figures.
"Star wars figures!? Cool!" Louis said excitedly as he examined the box.
"Do you like them?" Liam said biting his lip.
"They're wonderful, best present 've ever got" Louis said making Liams geart explode into softness.
"What did you get Harry?" Zayn asked. The boy was daydreaming and had forgotten to open it.
"Oh yeah, disney characters! I love them thanks!" Harry said in awe.
"C'n we go pway Dada??" Niall asked.
"In a few minutes Nialler, we have to talk to the twins about their rooms" Liam said.
"Oh yeah! You godda see dem, dey're weally cool!" Niall said turning to the twins.
"Are we not ... shawing?" Harry asked sheepishly.
"No but don't worry because your rooms are right next to each other just a wall away and I was going to put an extra bed in both of your rooms in case you ever want to sleep together" Zayn said.
"Okay..." Harry said a little unconvinced.
"So we've painted your rooms and their filled with toys and clothes we are just waiting for the furniture" Liam said.
"Ooh what colours are the rooms?" Louis asked.
Zayn was about to tell him when Niall whispered into his ear.
"Okay baby" Zayn said.
"Nialls insisted to keep it as a surprise, but I'm pretty sure you'll love it" Zayn replied.
"When do we get to come home wif you?" Harry asked.
"Next week my little prince are you excited?" Liam asked picking him up. Harry giggled, his laugh was different to Nialls adorable yet obnoxious laugh and Louis' mischievous boyish chuckle, his was sweet and had a calming pitch Liam fell in love with it instantly.
"C'n we pway nowwww?" Niall asked.
"You twintastic twins okay with that?" Zayn asked.
Both boys nodded.
"Okay go on then" Liam said.
They had to play in the main room not the playroom and they couldn't play with anything too small because Niall puts everything in his mouth. Louis had a fantastic idea to bring out the pokemon models, Niall loved pokemon too.
"Here we are!" Louis said dumping them all over his brother.
"Louweee!" Harry groaned.
"Sorry Hazza" Louis chuckled.
"Louwee is squirtle!" Niall said.
"Who's squirtle?" Harry asked, he wasn't really into pokemon.
"That little guy you make fun off" Louis said and Harry laughed.
"Why'd you say that?" Louis asked Niall.
"You small, wecklass, fun n da leada!" Niall said.
"I'm not that small!" Louis defended. Niall and Harry just looked at him.
"Fine I'll be squirtle" Louis groaned.
"Harry, you're pikachu because everyone loves pikachu" Louis said handing him pikachu. Harry took it, blushed and gave Louis are peck on the cheek.
"And Nialler you're charmander, cos you're sweet, impatient and love food!" Louis said thrusting him charmander. The boys all played with their pokemon, Niall and Louis loved to race Charmandar and Squirtle but after the race which Louis always won, except when he let Niall win, they went over to Pikachus refreshment stand where he was baking cakes and lemonade. After they got bored of pokemon, Louis let Harry do his hair, he used purple clips and ties to make the messy hair all 'pretty', Louis doesn't really like playing hair salon but he will because Harry absolutely loves it. Then once Louis' hair was wound with clips, they did some colouring, Niall got a whole lot on the carpet but drew a red car, Louis just drew naughts and crosses on his arms while Harry drew a detailed monkey which had blonde hair like Niall.
"Louwee! You got colourin wike Daddy n Papa!" Niall said pointing at Louis' arms.
"Tattoos not colouring, do you like it?" Louis asked.
"Its bril'ant!" Harry said in awe.
"Thanks, Nialler do you want one?" Louis asked.
"Nope! I will never get a tattoo!" Niall said firmly.
"Please" Louis pleaded. Niall stubbornly shook his head.
"Harry? I can do anything?" Louis offered. Harry eagerly nodded.
"C'n you do a butterfwy?" Harry asked.
"Course, Nialler will you at least help?" Louis asked, Niall nodded nervously.
"Right then Hazza, lie down" Louis said.
"Where to put it?" Louis pondered.
"Nini finks tummy" Niall said. They got to work on drawing a nicely sized butterfly on Harry's upper abdomen. Harry laughed claiming it tickled every two minutes. They ended up with the worst tattoo they'd ever seen, it was uneven, lopsided and around 8 different colours but Harry loved it.
Then they returned to Liam and Zayn.
"Dada, Papa we gave Harry a ..." Louis cut him off.
"A really big kiss!" Louis said nervously glancing at Niall.
"Yeah that and an awesome ..." Louis cut him off again.
"Hug too!" Louis said nudging Niall who still wasn't getting the hint.
"Louwee 'm twying to tell dem 'bout the t..." Louis cut him off once more.
"Tap dance Harry performed, it was great!" Louis said. Niall finally understood and let out a large ohhhh.
"Anyway, can we help you?" Liam asked pointedly.
"Uh yeah, c'n you play wif us?" Louis asked innocently.
"Okay, what do you want to play?" Zayn asked.
"Football!" Louis suggested.
"Yeah!" Niall agreed and the pair high fived.
"I don't know boys it's a bit cold..." Zayn said.
"Yes football, outside team!" Liam directed. Zayn rolled his eyes at his dorky husband but followed along with Harry.
"Okay so who wants to be captain?" Liam asked.
"Meeee!" Louis said his hand shooting up.
"Hmm who to pick?" Liam teased.
"Silly" Louis rolled his eyes.
"I'll be captain of the other team" Liam declared.
"Okay I pick first!" Louis said.
"Hmm ... Hazza!" Louis said. Nialls head fell a bit when he said that and Harry ran over but soon lit up when Liam called him.
"Oh this is like high school all over again!" Zayn dramatically said as he was left last. Liam and Lou laughed.
"Zee is with us" Louis declared and the game began. They played for about 30 minutes in the cold Wisconsin weather, it was really difficult with a 2 year old because Niall couldn't really play, Harry was about the least enthusiastic person you could get and Zayn fell over at least 3 times. It was nearing to the end and Zayn, Harry and Niall hadn't been utilized for at least 3 minutes and were tired so they sat down on  the bench and watched Liam and Louis showdown. They had both gotten really competitive and Liam wasn't going easy on Louis either. Liam was in goal and Louis readied himself for a kick across the garden he struck out his left leg and booted it at full force towards the goal, it easily went in and everyone cheered and whistled from the side. Liam was actually really impressed with his ability, he was playing at the same standard as a decent 10 year old.
"Wow Lewster you're quite a kicker" Liam commented.
"Thanks" Louis breathed out, his face was flushed and rosy and his hair was wind blown and quiffed.
They spent the rest of the visit drinking actual lemonade and chatting after going inside incredibly parched. They felt just like a family.

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