Playground fun...

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It was another beautiful day in the Payne-Malik household, with the sun shining gloriously on their big house. Suprisingly not one of their toddlers were up yet and Zayn was actually the first awake. He lay in bed next to his darling husband enjoying the soft sounds Liam made in his sleep. But liam was soon awake as well.
"Good morning love" Zayn said to the fluffy haired man.
"Good morning honey" Liam said sitting up next to him. Then Liam inspected his shirtless husband.
"Why is it you look so damn sexy in the mornings?" Liam teased.
"Oh shut up dickhead, look at you" Zayn retorted. This was how the couple would flirt, by weaving in insults with their admiration.
"So what are we doing today? Weathers nice" Liam replied looking out the window at the pretty blue skies.
"That means louis will want to go out, we've had a few rainy days lately so he's had to be cooped up" Zayn says.
"Nobody likes cabin fever" Liam chuckled.
"I was thinking actually about taking the boys somewhere public today, I mean like a park or cafe, the adoption centre reccomended a week at home before we do that but the week has passed" Zayn said.
"True, I think a park might be a good idea, they haven't really had the opportunity to socialize with other kids and I know Nialls missing his friends" Liam agreed.
"Sounds good, how about st. Mary's it's nice and quiet but they've got really good equipment" Zayn suggested.
"Perfect, now, suppose we oughta get ready?" Liam asked.
"I'm gonna take a shower, want to join me?" Zayn smirked.
"Not this morning zee" Liam replied teasingly.
"I'll keep my hands to myself and the showers very big" Zayn pouted.
"Fine, just this once" Liam replied. The two of them ran a hot and steamy shower and of course it only took about 2 minutes before Zayn broke his promise as the two started making out under the thundering hot rain. After a few more minutes of sensual caressing of each others backs and faces, the two broke apart to actually wash, but the whole experience ended with the two of them having to turn on the cold tap.

After all that was done Liam was on Niall duty while Zayn headed down to Harry's room, although he wasn't in there, making zayn merely roll his eyes. Guess they're in Louis' room today. He thought. It had been 10 days since they took the twins home and every evening the twins had been put to bed in their rooms and every morning woke up sharing a bed. Zayn was wondering if he and liam needed to do something about it. He headed into louis' white and blue bedroom and saw that sure enough on his dark oak bed with star wars covers was Harry and louis sleeping back to back with Harry's long curls concealing Louis' face. Zayn just had to take a picture of the sight it was too cute.
"Good morning twinbolies, time to get up, Chugger, buggy, harrybean, boobear wakey wakey" Zayn said gently tapping each of the twins. More often than not Harry would be easier to wake up but today the twins did that weird thing where they woke in unison, rolled so they were lying on their backs then sat up and rubbed their sleepy eyes, before gazing at one another and embracing in a good morning hug.
"Good morning my monkeys, how'd you sleep?" Zayn asked.
"Good papa, we were all flying in my dream!" Louis exclaimed excitedly.
"Really tiger, well you'll have to tell me all about it, you sleep good too buggy?" Zayn asked his morning mute boy. Harry nodded his head contently and made grabby hands for Zayn to carry him. Zayn obliged and louis slid down the stairs first excited to see his daddy and brother. He ran into the kitchen happily and saw that Niall was sat on Liams hip, wearing a pair of shorts dungarees and a white panda t shirt happily giggling away as Liam cooked some eggs. Liam was wearing a casual fitted t shirt and jeans as it was quite warm today.
"Good morning kicker, somebody's active" Liam commented.
"Morning dad! Yeah, get to go out today, cos it's sunnnnnyyyy" Louis exclaimed.
"Huh? Heard name?" Niall turned around cutely.
"No Nialler, the actual sun" Louis said. Soon harry and Zayn also joined, today zayn was wearing a long sleeved pink t shirt and denim shorts.
"Good morning harrybean, how are you this fine morning?" Liam asked the sleepy boy as zayn stroked his matted curls, niall was also on Liams hip, curiously looking at Harry's hair.
"Hazzie, why's hair so long?" Niall asked. Harry just shrugged and buried his head into Zayns neck, always very clingy and mute in the mornings.
"You like having long hair buggy?" Zayn asked. Harry nodded rapidly.
"It looks pretty on H" Louis said from the floor.
"Yesh, like 'punzel" Niall agreed.
"Right then gang, let's take a seat for breakfast and then we'll tell you what we're doing today" Zayn said and planted harry onto the dining chair. Louis sat beside Harry, opposite louis was Liam, next to him Zayn and Niall was at the head of the table. Once all the boys were situated with plastic cups filled with orange juice and plates full of scrambled eggs and toast and fruit, liam made the announcement.
"Go on daddy, what ARE we doing today?" Louis asked excitedly bouncing up and down on his chair.
"Well papa and I were thinking about taking you three down to the park" Liam announced.
"Yesh! Park! Twinnies to park!" Niall clapped with a mouthful of scrambled eggs. The twins instantly began to whisper to one another.
"Uhm, daddy, what's a park?" Louis asked sheepishly, once again illustrating how poor of a childhood the boys had gotten.
"Don't know park? Lots of toys n sandpit n lots 'f offer kids to pway wif!" Niall said happily.
"Pretty much, it's like a big field filled with things you can climb and swings and slides and they'll be lots more children to play with too!" Zayn explained.
"Ooh Papi Nini see Ashtie?" Niall squealed, Ashton was Nialls best friend since Niall was brought home. Ashton's parents Calum and Roman were also gay adoptive parents so it was easy for Liam and Zayn to make friends.
"Maybe buddy, if he's there, maybe he'll bring Lukey too" Liam said, luke is Ashton's older brother, but he has aspergers syndrome and quite a bit of ptsd, so they don't always bring him there, but luke does really love football.
"Okay, this park place sounds fun" Louis said.
"I think you'll both really like it" Zayn replied. After around an hour of making sure the boys had cleaned their teeth and brushed their hair and dressed Harry in a blue and white polka dotted dress and louis in a dinosaur t shirt and shorts the family were on their way to the park. They lived in a very quiet area, but luckily the nearest park was only about 10 minutes away, so they soon arrived at about 10am, it wasn't actually that busy today, there were about 20 kids in the park. They watched as Louis and Harry's face marvelled at all the different rides and play areas to go on.
"Alright boys, if you want you can just go off and play like the other kids, papa and I will be watching from just that bench there" Liam explained. The twins nodded and had to look to Niall for approval on what to go on first.
"What dya wanna do Nialler?" Louis asked.
"Hmmm, climbin'!" Niall said pointing at the moderately sized climbing frame with slide.
"Race ya to the top!" Louis said running over there, his two brothers following closely. The three of them began climbing the frame having the time of there lives.
"I win!" Louis declared. "I'm the king of the castle!"
Harry was quick to join him but was more concerned with making sure Niall was okay getting to the top.
"Nini, you okay?" Harry asked.
"Uh huh" niall said eventually joining them.
"Look, 'm king louis the brave, this is my kingdom" Louis admired from the top, giving his fathers a small wave.
"Can I be princess louis!" Harry pleaded.
"Course, you'll be princess Haz the kind!" Louis replies.
"Who Ni be? Lou? Who ni?" Niall bounced.
"What about a knight?" Louis asked.
"What he do?" Niall asked.
"A knight has to make sure there are no attackers on the kingdom, and obey the king" Louis explained.
"Yess yess!" Niall agreed.
"Okay kneel down so Harry and I can knight you!" Louis instructed. Niall knelt and bowed his head, louis tapped one shoulder and told Harry to tap the other.
"You are now Sir Niall the brilliant!" Louis announced. The three of them continued on with various games, first knights and princesses, then pirates who had to defeat the sea monster, then mummies and daddies and finally  astronauts on Jupiter. But then Niall spotted that over with his daddies was ashton, he quickly left the games and ran over to talk to him. Louis saw there was a game of football going on and quickly ran over there being too tempted and all Harry had wanted to do since he got here was play in the sand, so he went over by himself.

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