Brother time

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Recently the men had been trying to establish a new routine with the twins, it normally was something like the earliest hours of the morning were for breakfast, cuddles and stories, then they would head outside for some sort of run around in a private field or the gardens or woods and after that's when all three boys took a nap, after that was lunch and then guided creative play, then Niall took his second nap and the boys had free play while their fathers worked or caught up on errands, they'd eat dinner Niall would go to bed, the twins would either watch something with their daddies or play something with them and then was bath and bed, the two twins were very happy with this new routine and it was making it very easy for them to settle in, the only problem was Niall. He had noticed that with all this routine stuff he barely got any time to play with his fathers, he never had daddy Nini morning snuggles or Papa's special evening story, well he did but the story was almost always out of a book when it was just him and Papa and when his papa decided to tell one it was always with the twins which Niall didn't mind too much but it meant there were no special little blonde haired princes featured and that was annoying. He didn't even get to play with the twins very much because they were so close. He had been having a pretty bad day today. He had skipped his first nap because he slept a little late but now he was tired and grumpy.
The whole family were sat at the dining table all dressed in comfy indoor clothes. Louis was wearing black joggers and a spiderman t shirt, Harry was wearing navy leggings and a pink kitten t shirt, their fathers were both wearing matching joggers but Zayn had an old graphic painting t shirt on while Liam had his college sweatshirt, Niall on the other hand had a pair of loose shorts and a monkey t shirt on and had insisted on sitting on a big boy chair like his brothers which meant his legs were swinging back and forth and he couldn't quite reach the table with his cut up ham sandwich and grapes. This meant that everyone else had finished and were waiting for Niall before they could leave the table.
"Ni are you sure you don't want Papa to feed you?" Zayn asked.
"No Papa, Ni big boy" Niall said reaching as far forward as he could to his plate. The twins were off in their own world today speaking in a 'secret language' which was really italian which only Louis could speak but Harry could understand. The men had tried learning a bit but were nowhere near fluent.
"Daddy è molto puzzolente oggi non credi?" Louis said and Harry burst into giggles.
"Yes very!" Harry said laughing.
"Alright troublemakers I heard my name, what have you been saying about me huh?" Liam said playfully.
"Nuffing Daddy" Louis said batting his eyelashes with puppy eyes.
"Oh is that so Louis?" Liam pointedly said.
"Uh huh Lou was just sayin' how... handsome you wook today daddy" Harry lied cutely.
"Really Harold, because google translate says that Louis just said to you and I quote 'Daddy is very stinky today, don't you think?'" Liam said as he raised his eyebrows. Both boys just burst into giggles as their Daddy said this.
"Oh you think that's funny do you?" Liam asked playfully. The two boys just proudly nodded.
"Well shall we see how funny the tickle monster finds it?" Liam asked making bear hands. Each boy squealed and started running away. Liam quickly caught up and picked up his two giggling babies and placed them on their backs onto the couch, tickling their tummies as they laughed and squealed.
"Oh you little rugrats, tickle monsters gon' getcha!" Liam shouted.
"No tickle monster!" Louis cried out between giggles.
Meanwhile Niall was just watching this whole affair with a frown on his face.
"Niall sweetie you have to eat some more grapes please" Zayn encouraged.
"Noo papa wan go down n pway!" Niall demanded on the verge of a tantrum.
"Niall, unless you want to go into the timeout chair you need to calm down and eat at least 4 more grapes" Zayn said sternly.
"Not fair th'ough, H and Lou never ave to finish their foods, wook, 'alf a sandwich" niall protested seeing the injustice of it all. The twins were getting a little better at eating but still weren't hitting the portion sizing for boys their age.
"Alright, two more grapes ni" Zayn rationed.
"You feed" Niall huffed. Zayn gave him an expectant look.
"Pease" Niall grumbled. Zayn picked up a grape and fed it to Niall and then repeated the action. Niall was annoyed Zayn didn't even do choo choo train, he loved choo choo train after all.
"Okay then Daddy's gonna put you down for a nap now okay?" Zayn said and gestured for Liam who quickly came over there.
"Don' want nap!" Niall whined.
"Niall, you know you need a nap" Liam said firmly.
"Not naptime though!" Niall protested.
"I know it's a little early but you didn't have one this morning and Papa and I need to do a bit of important work Ni" Liam said. The men were going back to work properly in just a few weeks and Zayn needed to assign prices to paintings and Liam had a couple of emails.
"What twins doin', gonna have fun with no Niall?" Niall asked.
"They're just going to have free play time, you're not missing out on anything, now come on upstairs hun" Liam instructed holding the boy's hand. He quickly changed Niall into a new nappy and some pajama pants before tucking him in his crib.
"Okay, you'll feel better after a little sleep sunny, goodnight" Liam said and Niall was left alone. Again.

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