Chapter 17: Having Your Back

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Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa Final Set

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"The ref is overruling that call?"

The Karasuno cheer section in front as they see it, Tsukishima holding his hand tightly in pain and shock as blood began to drip from his hand.

"Kei..." Akiteru said with surprise

"Let's go to the first aid room and meet him there." Yachi said as she ran up the stairs

As she bolted up the stairs she caught a glimpse in the corner of her eye a blurry figure of Yuki, but she shook her head and kept her mind focused on meeting up with Shimizu and Tsukishima.

Yuki stood up and stretched "here's my chance I guess."

"Shut up! Annoying kid." The old man below shouted

How'd he even hear me? Yuki thought as he walked out but he took one last glimpse at Hinata on the court and shook in fear.

He saw Hinata inhale the air around him, to most people the smell on the court was dank with sweat, polisher from the wood floor to give that squeaky sound, and the smell of air conditioning, but to Hinata the smell was the smell of a battlefield, a battlefield he was more than willing to fight in, a battle in which he was a capable warrior fighting on the front lines, not only did he have the motivation to win for the pure victory of it all, but also because he knew after he returned from the battle in victory he had a girl he cared for deeply waiting for him. She doesn't have to be watching him to support him, she doesn't even need to be in the same building, but he knows she's there for him.

But in war the bullets fly, and with those bullets people get hit, and in that moment he saw the bullet coming straight at him. Ushijima's spikes couldn't even be considered bullets fired from a gun, they were better compared to a cannon as that heavy artillery shell came hurtling at Hinata. The ginger haired boy didn't have time to cover himself, and he knew he couldn't move or else lose the rally, all he could do was brace himself and take the hit. Hinata quickly moved his cheek toward the direction the ball was coming in hard and took the ball directly in the face. The crowds watching from the stands all winced in sympathetic pain at the hit, with only Yuki snickering in entertainment before finally leaving. Even Oikawa and Iwaizumi watching from the back winced in pain and empathy for their little rival. All who knew the young middle blocker felt it most, Izumin and Koji felt a bruise on their faces forming and gripped the railing of the balcony, Saeko gritted her teeth in shock while Shimada, Takinoue and the rest of the Karasuno alumni gave a loud collective gasp.

Saeko quickly held herself thinking about her dear little adoptive sister head over heels for that boy "He's fine! He's fine! Look they recovered and they turned it around!"

"Hinata is your eye okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine!"

"What a weird way to receive the ball."

"I didn't have time to move my hands up so I thought about receiving with my face... I didn't want it to hit my nose."

"Wait you saw it coming?"

"Yeah. If I had a nosebleed bled I would have to sit on the bench." He said with his eyes grim once again with the utmost seriousness, his look and his conviction scared even Ushijima on the other side of the net.

Semi looked at Hinata and Kageyama with a mix of fear and intimidation
"You guys aren't the only monsters on this court today." He said to himself quietly

Yachi quickly walked down the hallway, luckily the halls were empty as the game going on was so intense that everyone would refuse to leave their seats. She continued down the vast corridor. Through her mind she worried for Tsukishima, thinking the worst and most irrational of thoughts

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