Chapter 3: The Literature Club

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A/N remember if there is no speaker tag it's whomever's POV internal thoughts (In this case it's MC's and they will be in italics)



The day is finally over. I Unplugged my earphones and I walked with the girls to the Literature Club.

Monika: "Alright everyone, we're here.

We all walked in and my eyes widened in suprise. As a I saw the club room it was decorated for Christmas but it wasn't like the other classrooms... This one had a lot of effort put into it.

 This one had a lot of effort put into it

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A/N (Excuse the bad editing 🤣)

Mc: "W-Wow, this clubroom looks amazing... You four did this?"

Natsuki: "Yeah surprised huh?"

Mc: "I am surprised... But not from the fact that it was made by four girls, but from the fact that you guys put so much effort in this classroom... It looks beautiful... but not as beautiful as the four of you" I mumbled out

Oh shit!!!, Did I say that last part out loud? Hopefully they didn't hear me. I then looked at all the girls who had an embarrassed expression on their faces... Fuck they totally did

Mc: "Oh... I'm... I didn't mean to-

 I didn't mean to-

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Sayori: "hehehe.... MC don't tell me that you fell in love with every girl In this club already MC... ehehe"

Ugh damnit Sayori, I know your joking but honestly I do have an attraction towards everyone in this club... Even Sayori I wonder how each one thinks about me

 Even Sayori I wonder how each one thinks about me

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MC... THAT WEBHEAD (DDLC HAREM X MC)Where stories live. Discover now