Chapter 14: Saving The Dokis (Yuri)

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I woke up and checked the date (Wednesday, 12:00 P.M.)...I noticed Natsuki wasn't next to me...I got up and walked downstairs...I was hit with a pleasant aroma filling my nose

Natsuki: "Morning MC"

Mc: "Morning Nats"

Natsuki: "Huh?....What did I say about calling me that?!"

Mc: "Aw come on...I promise I won't call you that in public"

Natsuki: "hmph....Fine..But Only when we're ALONE!"

Mc: "Haha...Alright Nats"

Natsuki: "Whatever M....or C....DAMN!...why is your name so short"

Mc: "It actually is already short for something"

Natsuki: "What is it short for... "

Mc: "Uhh...It's stupid...Maybe I'll tell you one day.."

Natsuki: "Oh?...Okay?, Well I made you something"

Mc: "Woah you made this...This is amazing"

Natsuki: "yep...Its eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns with orange juice"

Mc: "Thanks Nats...You really made this for me"

Natsuki: "gee...Don't take it the wrong way..It's a Thank You for letting me live with you *crosses arms*"

I couldn't help but take advantage and fluster Nats a bit

Mc: "Oh really Is that the ONLY thing you thanking me for"

Natsuki: "W-What do you mean"

Mc: "Well...I think that maybe, Just maybe you're also thanking me for letting you use me as a body pillow last night..."

Natsuki: "Wha- No!...That was...UGH..SHUT UP!...It was cold..."

Mc: "No it wasn't"

Natsuki: "Yes it was!"

Mc: "If I remember correctly you said something along the lines of.... 'You, I want to sleep with You'...Now am I wrong"

Natsuki: "No...But...Shut up!"

Mc: "Ahh...Nothing beats the sounds of a Tsundere in the morning"

Natsuki: "Ugh...Shut up and eat you dummy"

After I had my fun..I did eat the breakfast Natsuki made...By far the best thing I have ate this year...Just popping with flavor...Unfortunately it had to end...I went back upstairs had answered a text from Sayori her therapy appointment went well and she is feeling a little better so that's good...After that I took a shower and got my Spider-Man stuff ready inside my backpack...I have to play it safe considering Nats is living here, so I am planning to find out more about The Vulture...Best way to do that is swing around Black Angel's turf and have a little talk with them... I said bye to Nats and made up some excuse that I'm going to the Library...She seems to have bought it...And off I was, I changed in another alley to Spider-Man and I started searching for possible Black Angel's turf...Shouldn't be too hard they aren't much of the hiding types

Mc: "Bingo"

I spotted some gang members...and seems like today is my lucky day, they were Black Angels..I swung and landed right in front of the group of 3 people

Mc: "Hey-o...I got a question, Anyone here know where I can find the vulture?"

B.A Thug #1 : "...It-It's the Spider-Man!"

MC... THAT WEBHEAD (DDLC HAREM X MC)Where stories live. Discover now