Chapter 1: School Problems

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(MC's POV)

Mc: (Beep Beep Beep) I smacked my alarm clock hard. "God why did I buy this thing". I then dragged myself out of bed and took a shower, brush my teeth, made myself some breakfast, took a look at my calendar "Wednesday", and finally grabbed my backpack and started walking  out the door until I was stopped by a voice.

Uncle Ben: "Wait there just a second sport, your forgetting something."

Mc: "I am,"

I took a quick inspection of myself.

Mc: "I don't think so Uncle Ben... what could I be missi-"

Uncle Ben: "You forgot to keep your guard up"

he then started ruffling  my hair.

Mc: "Very funny Uncle Ben, you may have got me this time"

I then heard another voice.

Aunt May: "come on Ben, MC has to get to school!"

Uncle Ben: "Alright, Alright, get to school kiddo"

he then started to playfully push me to the door.

Mc: "Okay, okay I'm going bye Uncle Ben, bye Aunt May."

Uncle Ben/Aunt May: "bye MC"

I then left my house to go next door to go walk to school with my childhood friend Sayori.

Sayori: "Hey MC!" She yelled while running towards me

MC: I took a glance at my watch "Your up pretty early"

Sayori: "Yup, I finally learned how to set an alarm on my phone hehehe" she sweat dropped.

MC: "Is that really the reason why I usually had to stand out here for hours before today"

I raised an eyebrow up and narrowed my eyes

Mc: "I could have helped you with that" I face palmed

Sayori: "You meanie, don't you think your over exaggerating a little bit it wasn't for hours"

she did air quotes with her fingers.

Sayori: "and come on be happy, we're going on a field trip to Oscorp Industry's on Thursday, and I know how much you love science"

Mc: "Yeah that's true I do rather enjoy science"

I smiled at her and then we began walking to school and then Sayori started to ask me something.

Sayori: "Soooooo, in all our years of knowing each other you never told me why you love science so  much?"

Mc: "Oh well it's actually a simple reason really. My dad was a scientist at Oscorp Industry...Well at least he was... Well before... You already know... The accident"

MC... THAT WEBHEAD (DDLC HAREM X MC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora