Chapter 17: A Deadly Duel With The Vulture

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Whew! that went pretty well...Guess the presents were on point...Let's Go!...And the day went by in second im showing off the presents to the girls...The next they are leaving home besides Natsuki'...Now here I am in bed slowly falling asleep

Mc: “zzzzz”

I woke up...where am I?...I’m outside? It's night time?...

Mc: “Hello?”

No response...I looked down on my hands...Why am I wearing my Spider suit...I looked up again… And my eyes were met with four familiar faces in the distance

Mc: “Monika!...Yuri!...Natsuki!...Sayori!”

The four figures started walking closer to was the girls with shocked expressions on their face...What’s wrong with them...their clothes are are ripped and shaggy and they look older...Than there faces turned into an angry one

Natsuki: “Why if is isn't the ‘Amazing Spider-Man’ *scoff* ”

Yuri: “So have you decided now's the time to rise from your cowardly disappointment”

Mc: “what...what is happening..what happened?!”

Monika: “Oh yeah of course you wouldn’t know...You been gone for two years now...what, were you waiting for the vulture to die of old age?...some hero you are”

Gone for two years?...what!..I went into hiding?...This can’t be true...I would never do that

Mc: “Why are you girls out here...I-I don’t understand

Sayori: “We’re looking for my best friend MC...he went missing...when The Vulture took over the whole town...And thank you for doing nothing about it…*scoff*”

It’s been two years and I never told them...At least I kept my identity safe...but it didn’t protect them at all…

Sayori: “Why don’t you go swing away now!...I need to find MC”

Mc: “But’s me”

The Dokis: “MC?!”

I took off the mask

Natsuki: “Nice try...MC wasn’t blonde...So...this is the Spider-Man...hero of our town...Your no hero..I would have been better off if my dad killed me”

How could you say that...WAIT I’M BLONDE!!!...I swung away and tried to find the nearest house...It was pretty hard to do considering that the whole world is pretty post apocalyptic.Once I found a somewhat nice looking home I entered...the whole house was a mess...I looked at a picture with a kid on it and an elderly couple...hold on this’s me and May and Ben?!...I looked around and I realized...this is my home...I walked up to the bathroom and looked into my mirror...I really was blonde...I had a small blackish brownish beard growing... I looked at my spider suit ...It was torn...and damaged...I went up to my room and found an old camcorder with a tape that reads “watch me” on it...I put it in and started watching it on my computer

Mc???: “Hello everyone...Um..I know this seems crazy but...I'm Spider-man...If you went to school with me I understand why you don’t believe me…*sigh*...I am super sorry everyone. I know I let the world down...And...I think it’s time for me to go...If I failed once then I will fail again…*tears up* S-Sayori...N-Natsuki….Y-Yuri….M-Monika...I love you girls so much with all my heart but I’m sorry, If I can't...Protect the world how can I protect you?...GODDAMMIT!...I can't Post this…*sigh* I guess it’s time to go under...Bye world…*Click*”

I rose up from my chair in shock...I-I gave up?... No I would never...I closed my eyes tightly…

Mc: “I...I won't fail...I won’t fail...I WON'T FAIL!”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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