Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty:

The third task was approaching extremely quickly and with it the end of the school year. Soon I would be back at camp preparing for what I assume was a coming war. Right now though all I had to worry about was watching my friends step into a potentially deadly maze for a tournament.

Harry had been doing his best to try and act fine, but it wasn't hard to see through the mask he put up. He was only fifteen and was simply scared, and I didn't blame him.

This third task was supposed to be the hardest of them all and Harry had a hard enough time with the previous two. Hermione, Ron, and I took turns sparing against Harry when we had free time to get him prepared for the task at hand.

"Oh Bailey, I'm sorry I didn't see you there," Cedric said as he came flying from around one of the corridors.

"That's alright Cedric no harm down. How are you preparing for the final task?" I asked with a smile on my face. Though I was obliged to root for Harry, Cedric seemed like he would have the better chance of winning with the years of experience he had.

The usually put together studious boy seemed disheveled today his tie not even tight around his neck. "I'm a little stressed, I just wish I didn't have classes on top of this whole thing."

He had a point that almost all of my free time was spent practicing with Harry that it didn't even feel like I had time to rest. "I feel like your tasks should be extra credit," I said with an added laugh at the end.

"You have that right. I'm worried I'm not going to finish with the grades I'm going to need. Where are you off to."

"The library I have a potions essay due in a couple of days, but I've been helping Harry and well sort of neglected the assignment." Whereas most teachers had slowed down the amount of homework knowing we were all a bit distracted Snape seemed to have doubled his workload.

Cedric nodded, "Yeah I heard Snape was really pushing his classes. Happy I didn't take potions this year. Good luck."

Nodding and giving him a bright smile I said, "Good luck on the third task, I have to cheer for Harry but I'll secretly route for you as well." Laughing to ourselves we both bid a quick farewell before continuing in the directions we were going.

The library was pretty much deserted which was what I was expecting and I had no problem finding a quiet spot to get started on my essay. Thankfully I enjoyed potions and was pretty good at it so I didn't mind the extra work from Snape. Others weren't so happy, Ron and Harry I didn't even think were going to do it.

About an hour into my research the chair next to me was pulled out and Draco took the seat. The last time I had seen him was probably about a week or two ago, we would sit next to each other in class and sometimes at lunch; but with most of my free time spent practicing we didn't have any real-time together.

"There you are. I didn't think I was going to ever properly see you again," he said smiling at me.

A smile was on my face but I was silently a bit upset he had found me. This was the first time I had gotten any alone time in weeks and had been really enjoying it. "Hey, Draco. I'm really happy to see you but I gotta finish this," I said.

Thankfully he seemed to understand and pulled some of his own books out of his bags. "Just let me know if you need any help."

Though I enjoyed studying by myself I actually found myself enjoying Draco's company even if he was just simply sitting next to me. We spent two hours like this just seated next to each other doing schoolwork not saying anything. It was only when I had stood to get a book from a high shelf that Draco seemed to pay any sort of attention to me. I had not even heard him approaching but suddenly there was an arm entering my vision right next to my head. It had startled me enough where I fell back slightly only to fall back into Draco who had stood behind me.

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