Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine:

Draco and I were still the talk of the school despite there being the tri wizard tournament going on. I was actually sort of surprised. Thankfully nobody had come and straight out and said anything to either of our faces. I was getting ignored from about half the house and he was getting high fives from his.

We didn't get too much alone time but today seemed to be an exception as we were both sitting outside completely bundled up watching some of the younger kids run around in the snow. My back was against his chest as I leaned back just enjoying the little bit of peace we were getting.

"Umm Bailey..." Draco said his words trailing off.

Opening my eyes I was greeted by Percy who was sending an iris message and quickly looked around to see if anybody had noticed.

"You really need to be giving me a heads up before you do any of this," I said. From the background, I knew he was in our cabin back at camp though it was far too early for that. "What happened, why are you at camp?"

"Bailey it's Annabell out on a mission we don't think she made it."

Quickly I sat up Draco's arms dropping from around my waist as I leaned closer to my brother. "What happened?"

Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia had gone on a mission to bring two demigods into a camp meeting with Grover. However, before they could end the night Annabeth had fallen off a cliff with a monster. It was always a thought that sat in the back of my mind that one of my friends might end up dead, but the fact it actually happened was completely unexpected.

"Percy I'm so sorry," I said.

Percy shook his head, his eyes going to the floor. "I don't think she's dead," he said.

"But Chiron and Mr. D, won't send out a search party."

Shaking his head no I became even more concerned for my younger brother who looked as if he was about to cry. "I have to go they're calling for capture the flag. I'll keep you updated on what I hear about Annabeth," he said.

"Alright love you."

"Love you too," he said before bringing his arm through the mist and the image faded away. Draco who had just sat through the entire conversation made his presence known wrapping his arms back around my waist.

"Are you okay," he asked his voice just over a whisper.

Annabeth and I had not been close, in fact, I was sure she hated me but she was Percy's friend and I knew how much this affected him. "I'm fine," I said, turning my head slightly to whisper this to him.

He nodded giving my waist a small squeeze and simply held me allowing me to process the information I had just been given.

As the cold started to fade away and we became numb to it Draco gently pulled me up and moved me back into the castle. Being numb to the cold seemed to match my feelings of being numb. With Annabeth being presumed dead, it felt as if everything had just gone completely numb.

Draco took me all the way to the Gryffindor tower, something he didn't do very often especially in the middle of the day. If I had been paying more attention I might have felt bad for the first year who he had called over.

"Go get one of the Weasels or Granger or Potter," he said.

I might have noticed that he didn't sound as harsh as usual even with the first year's surprise.

A few moments later a familiar face appeared out of the Gryffindor tower walking over to us quickly. "What happened," George asked.

"One of her friends from back home is missing," Draco said.

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