Chapter 15

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     Piper leads us towards the docks, Annabeth is shaking, tears already starting to fall. I follow a little behind them, not wanting to intrude. If Percy's dead...When we step on to the wooden planks of the docks, I see a figure hunched over on the edge. Annabeth sprints forward, pausing right in front of the person, in front of Percy. He turns around, his face streaked with tears. Annabeth takes a step back, starting to sob. She falls on the ground, next to Percy, but I still can't see what's happened.

     Percy's voice sounds broken as he says, "I-I failed. She needed me. I could've saved her, but it was too late. She-she's gone, wise girl."

    Annabeth shakes her head forcefully, "" That's when I see it. The mop of brown hair resting in Percy's lap. The limp body of a young child, a dark red spot on her stomach. I gasp, putting my hands over my mouth. Charlie. No...she can't be dead. She's only-she's too young to die. Annabeth stares at her daughter's body, shaking. She gently brushes one of the dark strands behind Charlie's ear. She wraps her arms around Percy, and they cling to each other, tears running down their faces.

     I turn to Piper, "What happened?"

     "When Eris was attacking...a shard of glass, from a mirror or something, hit her in the stomach. Percy...he tried to heal her with the water, but it was already too late."

     I glance over at them, "I just...I can't believe that she's dead. It doesn't feel real."

     Piper looks at me sadly, "I know...You should find your parents, Aelia."

     My heart drops, "Are they-"

      She shakes her head, "They're fine...well, as fine as they can be." I can feel my heart beating fast. I don't know what's happened, but I know that it's bad.

     "Okay..." I take one last look at the Jacksons, before setting off to find my parents.

      Around 5 minutes later I find my parents sitting on the ground, crying. I'm terrified to look at what they're seeing, but I know I have to.

     My mom must've heard me walking up behind them because she turns around, "Aelia!" She crushes me in a hug, "We had no idea where you were-and I thought-Oh my gods-"
     I pull away, "Mom, what happened? Piper said that something was wrong." Her hands are shaking and she's about to answer when my dad notices that I'm there. He stands up, hugging me. The whites of his eyes are red, and tears are falling down his face. Behind him I see someone on the ground, their face unrecognizable. The person's entire body looks burned, to the point where it's nearly impossible to tell who it is. Suddenly I find it harder to breathe, and my heartbeat is pounding in my ears.

    I turn to my mom, "Is-", she nods slowly and I collapse. The world seems to be spinning. Connor. Connor is dead. My dad sits down on the ground next to me and wraps me in a hug. My mom joins us and we sit there for what seems like an eternity. I feel like any minute I'll wake up and things will be okay. Connor will still be laughing with my dad, Charlie will be with her parents. But it's wishful thinking. I know that they're gone for good.

     "Aelia, thank the gods you're okay! Listen...have you seen Leah?" It's August. They're standing behind me, playing with their bracelet.

     I stand up, wiping tears off my cheek, "I haven't, but I'm sure she's fine, August."

    Their eyes widen, and I can see just how scared they are, "No...that's the thing. Something's wrong."

    "What-what do you mean?" I ask, starting to get worried.

    "My-my bracelet, look at it."

    I lean over, "It doesn't look different."

    "Look closely, at our initials," they say, their voice cracking, "Her's is turning silver."

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