Chapter 3

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     Authors Note: Please feel free to give me feedback or tell me things you want to see in the comments. I'll try to add some of the ideas in, if it works with the plot I've made. 

     Right as I put down my sword by the volleyball pit, August comes out of the door of the Hephaestus cabin.

They grin at me, "Hey, Aelia!"

"Hey! So, who are we playing against?"

They shrug, "I don't really know. We should ask Abaddon!"

I shake my head, "I think he said that some of the Apollo kids are teaching him archery around now.

"Okay, then we'll just play with anyone who shows up." We wait around as a bunch of other campers show up. We split everyone into teams, August and I of course being on the same one. Just as we're about to start the game, Leah from the Aphrodite cabin comes running towards us.

"Hey, can I play?" she asks, pulling her hair back.

August nods, "Yes!"

I turn to August, "We won't have an even number."

"C'mon, please?" they plead.

I roll my eyes jokingly, "Okay. Just get someone else for the other team."

"Deal!" August runs off and starts begging an Apollo camper to play. August has had a crush on Leah for years, and they take any chance they can to be around her.

"So, am I on your team?" Leah asks me.

I smile, "Yep. We're just waiting for-"

"Here!" August says, dragging the Apollo camper behind them.

They grab the volleyball off the court and hand it to me. I serve it over the net and it hits the sand. One of their players grabs the ball and serves it to our side. August hits it back, but it goes right into the net. It goes on like this for a while, our team winning a point, then their team. Eventually we decide that the next person to win a point wins the entire game. August serves it and it goes straight over.

While our teams are going back and forth, Leah says, "Nice serve, August."

August stares at her, "T-thanks." The ball starts coming right towards them, but they're too distracted.

"August! Get the ball!" I shout, diving to grab it. I'm too late however, because it hits the sand.

I stand up, brushing the sand off of me, "Dang it."

Leah smiles at us, "Well, that was fun. I'll see you guys later. Bye, August!" She walks off back to her cabin.

I frown, "Really, August? I get you like her, but-"

"I'm sorry! But she's so cute and-"

I shake my head, "It's fine. You know, maybe you should ask her out-"

"No! Are you insane?"

"Jeez, it was just an idea. Is she going home this summer?"

They shake their head, "No, she said that she's staying. Speaking of which, we're saying goodbye to the summer people soon."

"We at least have a little bit of time left with them, cause we have lunch first."

"Oh yeah!"

I laugh, "C'mon, the conch horn will blow any second now."

Later That Day

That night after dinner I make my way down to the lakefront. Abaddon sits on a blanket by a bundle of trees, wringing his hands.

I smile at him and run over, "Hey, Abaddon! So..what's the "special thing" you have planned?"

"To celebrate the last day of summer I got you...your favorite dessert!" he says, pulling out a small, circular, brownie. It's the most amazing thing, a chocolate outside, and a strawberry filling.

I grab it, "Oh my gosh, thanks! Wait, how did you get this? Didn't they ban these after the....incident?"

He smirks, "I have my ways."

I scarf it down, "Oh, it's so good. You're the best. Now I feel bad, I didn't bring you anything.

"It's totally finally, Aelia."

I frown, "Yeah? What's up?" He looks down, looking guilty and nervous.

"Seriously, Abaddon, are you okay? You're scaring me."

He takes a deep breath, "I've been thinking, Aelia. These past few months...things have been different. I have a feeling that you've noticed it too. For a while I didn't know what it was, but I think I've figured it out. I know we've been friends for such a long time...I guess I just wanted to let you know before...if..."

I feel my face burning, "Abaddon? Are you..."

He looks me straight in the eyes, "I'm pretty sure we're thinking the same thing." I start leaning in towards him and he freezes.

My heart stops and I look away, "I'm sorry, I thought you were-I just-" He puts his hands on the sides of my face and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck, a million butterflies bursting from my stomach. It feels so natural, so perfect.

When we pull apart, he gives me a small smile, "Aelia, will you...will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" I say, pulling him into a tight hug.

He stands up, brushing some leaves off of him, "I'll see you tomorrow." He walks off towards his cabin, his hands in his pockets. I smile to myself and walk back to my house.

The Next Day

When I wake up, I'm still smiling. I'm smiling all through breakfast, getting concerned looks from my parents. As I'm about to leave, my mom tries to tell me something, but I ignore her, running out the door. I race down the path to the Hephaestus cabin.

I open the door and ask, "Is August in here?" One of August's siblings nods, and August gets off their bed. They come outside and close the door.

Before I can even look at them I start talking, "Oh my gosh, August, Abaddon kissed me last night and I-" When I look up and see their face, I notice that it's streaked with tears.

I frown, "August? What's wrong?"

August takes a deep breath, "It's Abaddon. He's gone."

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