Chapter 16

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     I gasp and grab August's arm, pulling them towards where the Aphrodite cabin used to stand, "Have you asked her siblings? Or-"

     I'm cut off by Ollie, one of Leah's younger sisters running up to us. She's covered in fresh wounds, blooding dripping down her leg. Her eyes are wide and she's hyperventilating, "August, Aelia! It's Leah-she-I-"

     I put my hands on her shoulder steadying her, "Ollie, what's wrong?"

     "I was in my cabin when Eris was attacking, and it started to crumble, and Leah got me out-but she's still-I don't know-" If I'm hearing her right, Leah was in the Aphrodite cabin when it collapsed. That along with the fading bracelet...I look over August. They're staring blankly at the ground, seemingly unaware of what's around them.

     "Ollie, why don't you try asking someone if they know where she is, okay?" Ollie hesitantly nods, running off.

     "A-August," I hear a strained voice whisper. Leah's voice. I search around, trying to find where it came from. Underneath the ruins of the cabin, Leah's head and arm stick out. I can tell just from looking that the rumble is partially on her neck. That means, unless we're able to do something, the pressure on her neck will kill her. I rush over, bending down. I try to pull her out, but it's no use. When August realizes what's happened, they try to help as well, but it's still nothing.

    I run my hand through my hair, nervously, "Don't worry, Leah, we'll get you out. I just need to-"

    She grabs my arm, and when I look at her, she looks as brave as she always has. The truth strikes me, she's accepted her fate. She's talking so quietly, but I'm able to understand her, "Aelia, th-thank you. But there's n-nothing you c-can do."

    August grabs her hand, ", that's not true! You're not supposed to die...not like this!"

    She squeezes their hand, "August, y-you know this is it. This...this is my fate. You can't avoid fate."

    "But it can't be! You don't know-"

    "I do. And I-I know you do as well."

     "This isn't fair...this isn't fair..."

     "I know, August. L-life isn't fair, death isn't e-either. Everyone d-dies sometime, and most of the t-time, it's not on their o-own terms."

     "You can't-"

     "I'm not scared of dying...n-not anymore." August's eyes start welling up with tears. I want to say something, but my voice doesn't seem to work. First Charlie, then Connor, now Leah?

      Leah winces, "I love y-you guys."

      August kisses her cheek, "I love you too."

     Leah's eyes start to cloud, staring off into space, "I'll be waiting." And then she's gone. Her head lolls to one side, her eyes still open. I close her eyes slowly, my hand shaking. I wrap my arms around August, both of our tears dripping onto the ground. Leah went out with her head held high, going into the underworld unafraid.

(AN/PLEASE READ! I want  to point out some things I did in the prophecy that will now make sense, so here we go: "One shall be stolen and never returned" Obviously that means someone will die right? But it says WHO dies in the line, "One shall be STOLLen". The other line, "One shall be crushed by a broken love" It's supposed to seem like a broken heart, however, Leah was physically crushed by the Aphrodite (goddess of LOVE) cabin. What do y'all think?

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