Chapter 7

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     As we walk towards the Olympians' thrones, I feel something cold touch my arm. But when I look down, there's nothing there. I shake it off, it was probably just wind. We step through a golden doorway and into the throne room. The gods stare down at us and we kneel. They motion for us to stop and we sit to listen. They go through talking about normal things, Demeter yelling about cereal, the Big Three having arguments. I'm not able to pay attention for long. I keep hearing little voices and feeling something touch me. I glance behind me and that's when I see it. A pair of glowing, silver eyes staring at me. I stumble back and I'm suddenly in the past.
    It's the same place as it always is. A patch of woods, somewhere near Camp Jupiter. But it's different this time, because my parents are still alive. My mother is frantically pacing back and forth, muttering in Spanish. My father is trying to calm her down, but I can tell he's scared too.
     She turns to him, "Aiden, hide Aelia in the bushes. It can't know about her." He picks me up and sets me back down a little bit away, covering my body and face with the leaves. I want to tell them to run, but I can't. I'm stuck as my younger self, stuck being silent.
     She kneels next to me, "I love you, sweetheart. No matter what happens you have to stay hidden, promise? We'll see you...soon. We'll see you soon." That's when I hear a growling coming from a patch of trees. My parents jump up, unsheathing their swords. The monster's eyes and swirling body distort, seemingly all over but in the same place. They slash at it, but it seems to have no effect as they can't pinpoint it. Then, out of the blue, there's a horrible tearing sound. My father is halfway to the ground, screaming. His chest being ripped open by the air. I feel my eyes close and I'm grateful. I don't think I could watch this any longer. My mom screams out his name and her only response is the monster's growl. I hear her grunting and her sword slashing through the air. I hear a roar and there's silence. When my eyes peel open, my mom is on the ground next to my dad, blood seeping through her shirt. The monster dissolves into the air, but I know it's not dead. With her last ounce of strength, my mom turns to me.
     Her eyes are welling up with tears, "I love you Aelia. I know you'll know what to do." With that her eyes fluttered shut and she stopped moving. I start crying and shaking, I've never remembered when they died before. And I hate it. I hate it! I try to get out of the dream but I'm stuck. The smell of blood fills my nose and everything seems hazy. Like I've been sedated. I try to scream, but my younger self is frozen, so I am too.
     Suddenly a voice echoes through my head, laughing maniacally, "It's smelled you, Aelia. And it won't stop until you're gone. You're not safe, no one is safe. Because, at the end of the day, all that's left is Chaos."

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