Chapter 17

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     At the end of most stories, the narrator will say something like, "When I was younger I thought..." This isn't going to end like that, because this isn't one of those stories. It doesn't have a perfect ending, how could it after we've been through a war? When I was younger I didn't think the world was fair, and that hasn't changed. It's harder to see the good in the world when you're a demigod or legacy. But we don't stop fighting. When our home is destroyed, we start again. We build from the bottom, moving on but never forgetting all that was sacrificed. Demigods that died in the past week, past decade, even thousands of years ago. We remember them, it's impossible not to. I know things won't be the same. We'll still be broken, a puzzle missing a piece. But I haven't lost all hope, I'm still praying for a good ending, a good way to end this tale. For now, it's unresolved, but that doesn't mean it will stay like that forever.

     One Year and Eight Months Later
     August squeezes my hand as we get off of Lochus, looking over New Rome. This is it, I'm back home. August's bracelet shimmers in the sunlight, Leah's initial standing out, as it always does. Five hours ago we left Camp Half-Blood, ready to start a new chapter of our lives. We're going to college here, and in all honesty, I'm glad to get away from home. Don't get me wrong, I love everyone there, but I can't go a day without thinking of the battle. I'm hoping that things will be different here. I'm not scared of this place anymore, I haven't been since the battle, I just never thought the time was right. But it is now. I'm glad August came with me. They're constantly haunted by Leah, getting flashbacks in the middle of the day. I think it will be good for them, good for both of us.

     They sigh, "It's beautiful." They're staring out over the city, smiling. They're smiling. That's the first sign I'm getting what I wished for.

     I pull an apple out of my bag, giving it to Lochus. He eats it quickly and whinnies. With that, he launches into the air, his wings spread wide.

     "I think we're on the right track, August," I say, resting my head on their shoulder. I stare out at the city in front of me. Buildings glisten, and water pours from the fountains. Behind that, hills and valleys go on seemingly forever. Lochus is almost out of sight now, just a dark shape in the distance.

     After the battle I thought that things would never be the same. I was right, but that's okay. This isn't how I thought the story would end, but here we are. I think it's a pretty good ending. Maybe I was wrong, maybe this is going to be one of those stories. I've got friends, new and old, my family, and a new world waiting for me. I'm ready to end this story now. Thank you for listening, and goodbye.
(Thank you so much for reading this story! Let me know what y'all thought in the comments. I'll be starting another story soon. Until then, bye!!)

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