He already have a girlfriend

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Y/n woke up with the first sound of her alarm and turned it off. It was exactly 6 o'clock. She went to bathroom to do her morning routine.

Y/n is the only daughter of Mr Min, the owner of Min enterprises. She is currently studying business management in her college. Since childhood, she had been portrayed as a cold and emotionless girl so she actually has never made any friends. Well, she isn't really emotionless, it's just her unwillingness and unableness too at expressing her emotions. The main reason behind her present nature is lack of love in childhood. Her parents, being their busy selves, had very little time for y/n so she haven't actually experienced physical affection from her parents since young age. But she loves them more than anything.
Despite having little family time, their bond is pretty strong. Her parents have always respected her decisions and supported her in everything. She too has tried her very best to become a perfect child. Despite being inexpressive of her feelings, she's very possessive and protective of everything that belongs to her. She's very good at fighting too. Only thing she's scared of is heights.

After a long shower, y/n got ready.

She walked downstairs and to her surprise, she saw her mom cooking

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She walked downstairs and to her surprise, she saw her mom cooking.

Y/n: morning mom! When did you come?

Mom: morning sweetie. We came back last night. You were asleep so we didn't wake you up.

Y/n: oh! How did the trip go?

Mom: it was tiring to be honest. But our collaboration with overseas markets improved.

Y/n: well, that's good than.

She smiled and sat down on the counter. Her mom gave her freshly made pancakes and she started eating.

Mom: how's your college sweetie?

Y/n: normal as always.

Mom: well y/n, me and your dad were discussing about our retirement the other day. I think it's time to hand over some responsibilities to you. After all, we're getting old each passing day.

While Mom was speaking, Dad came down stairs in home clothes.

Y/n: morning Dad.

Dad:morning princess. And about what your mom said, I think you're ready?

Y/n just nodded and continued eating while her Mom and dad settled their breakfast.

Dad: let's start your training from next week
You should accompany me to meetings and make yourself familiar to our working atmosphere.

Y/n : sure dad.

Mom: well y/n. Do you have a boyfriend?

Hearing this, y/n choked on her food. After a few moments, she just shook her head as a no. Her mom and dad glanced at each other.

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