The Merfox Adventures

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General Pepper contacted StarFox Headquarters and asked Fox McCloud to go on another mission but at a different destination. Krystal wants to accompany Fox to adventure with her mate, so Pepper accepted the offer and told them their next venturous destination.

Andross asked General Scales to head for Corneria to pick up Wolf O'Donnell for a reforming interrogation. Scales agreed to get Wolf to be brought back and ready when the rogue mercenary is part of StarFox.

Fox McCloud and Krystal landed on a different world, a big seaside beach near the town. They went around asking for the Mayor and were directed to the town hall to meet the owner of the town. Fox and Krystal meet with the mayor of the seaside beach town and asked about the town's history. The mayor started telling the town's historic mysteries of what's in the water below.

While Fox McCloud and Krystal were listening to the town's mysterious history, General Scales visited his home and the Sharpclaw Tribe to make a few arrangements before returning back to the Subspace Headquarters.

The Sharpclaws voted a new leader hoping to make peace arrangements with the other tribes on the Dinosaur planet. Scales went to visit the Earthwalkers and apologized for the tyranny events that he had done, so they accepted his apology and became better friends to the reformed General Scales.

Fox and Krystal rented a speed-boat at the pier and went to go scuba diving to explore the underwater mystery. A sudden tidal wave appeared to knock off the boat riders. Krystal was safely spared on the speed-boat, but Fox McCloud got plunged into the ocean without his scuba gear.

The drowning Fox McCloud sees a mythical figure approach to rescue & change the slave-collared hero into a merman, and suddenly fainted after his transformation. Fox awakens in a submerged hotel room and saw a blue-tailed Wolf merman sitting on a chair near the bed.

Fox noticed the diving suit he wore was gone and introduced himself to the Wolf merman. The merwolf Maku, has heard of the famous Fox McCloud and introduced himself to Fox as the Prince of Laguna, the underwater kingdom and city.

Fox McCloud told the merman Maku that he arrived on the surfaceworld with Krystal to learn of the seaside town's mysterious history. So Prince Maku told Fox about his father's problematic past with the town above... a stolen ancient artifact.

Fox McCloud asked merwolf Maku a tour around his underwater kingdom of Laguna and a visit to the palace, so Maku agreed to his request and both mermen swam out of the hotel to explore the city of Laguna.

Krystal went back to the seaside town and barges into Town hall to ask the mayor about the stolen artifact after hearing Fox McCloud survived the sudden tsunami. The Mayor hid his corrupted ideals after receiving the ancient artifact from the exiled seawitch.

Krystal rented a room at the town's hotel and contacted General Pepper about the truth of the Seaside Town's dark mystery. Fox McCloud meets with the King of the underwater kingdom of Laguna and asked the history of the ancient artifact.

Krystal wears the Janitor uniform to prepare a confrontation in the Seaside Town Hall. Fox McCloud told the King and his new friend about the brave space adventures with his StarFox crew, so the King trusted Fox to do something important before letting his son join StarFox.

Krystal returned to the city hall and asked about the deal with the Sea Witch, so the mayor spoke to Krystal again and was unaware of Mike hidden in the remodeled office. Furious townspeople have launched a riot demanding that the corrupt mayor return ancient relics to the underwater kingdom.

General Pepper's Police arrived and arrested the fleeing Mayor with the stolen artifact; Krystal brought the ancient artifact to the waiting King and Fox McCloud became a land walker again which embarrassingly grabbed his uniform from Krystal.

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