Chapter 10: Amends

Start from the beginning

For a moment, all was quiet. The tension was thick in the air, Eir paced back and forth like a cornered lioness while I then spoke up while rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Apparently you won some great victory."

"Ah, perhaps you didn't notice," Boleslav said, "the beach of Denmark belongs to Hiccup Haddock in the morning. It belongs to Maxim Boleslav in the afternoon."

"You can have the beach, we didn't come here for sand—"

"No," Boleslav said firmly, "you came here because you want your name to be immortalized in history." Leaning forward on his throne, Boleslav continued. "A great victory was won today," he acknowledged, "but make no mistake, that victory is not yours. It is mine."

"Perhaps you were too far out at sea, old man," Eir snorted out, "our warriors won the battle."

"History remembers kings! Not warriors, little girl!" Boleslav snarled out while rising from his throne and standing right in my face, "tomorrow we'll batter down the gates of Denmark. I will raze Haddock's pagan empire to the ground and use the foundation to create a Christian capital city in Scandinavia and I will carve "Boleslav" in the stone for future generations to bear witness! My name will be immortalized in history! Your name is written in the sand, for the waves to wash away."

"Be careful Maxim Boleslav," I said in a cool tone, "first you need the victory. And we both know you won't stand a chance against Haddock without the aid of the Mongrel Tribe."

"We've fared well on our own against Haddock and his pagan dogs in the five-year conflict between his empire and the Kievan Empire," Igor said while crossing his muscular arms across his chest, "you and your Mongrels sell your profession to the highest bidder." He then continued with a mocking smirk. "Why... you and your sister are nothing but whores of the battlefield—"

"Call us whores again you filthy cur," Eir challenged, "and I will relieve you of what makes you man and have your head on a spit in the blink of an eye."

"You believe us to be beneath you, don't you?" I inquired, Boleslav's smirk was all the answer I need. "Very well, try and fight Haddock without our help. And when you fail spectacularly, do not expect us to come to your aid with such haste. You dare insult us and see us as nothing more than common mercenaries who offer our expertise of war for wealth, but we're above such things. We are the rulers of the Mongrel Tribe! We have more wealth than you can possibly fathom, our people are here to avenge our father. We've waited so many years for our revenge, we can wait a little longer. And if we're fortunate, you and your heir will perish on the battlefield tomorrow." Eir and I then turned around to leave Boleslav's ship, but his Rus' bodyguards blocked our path.

"You would dare put us to the test?" Eir inquired.

The bodyguards raised their spears at Eir's face, and the Mongrel princess laughed lightly before kicking the nearest bodyguard's knee in forcing them to kneel before her. Eir then brandished the blade kept in her prosthetic arm and slit that bodyguard's throat open; causing torrents of blood to spray out of their neck and wet the deck of the ship.


Soon enough, Rus' warriors under Boleslav's command drew their weapons and got into battle stances, while Eir and I stood back to back with our weapons in hand. Looking to King Boleslav, I bore my teeth at him and snarled out. "Kill us, and our warriors will tear you and your boy to pieces," I then continued, "a single one of our warriors can best ten of yours. Kill us, and it is your name that will be forever lost to history." Igor looked to his father, as did many of the Rus' warriors under Boleslav's command. I then gave him a challenging look and extended an arm out in invitation. "Go on, have at it!" I then smirked when I could see Boleslav's face flush with anger because he knew killing me and my sister would cause our Mongrels to unleash hell on them.

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