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"It was a cliff." You said. "What? Seriously?" Emma asked. "And it wasn't a height we could easily jump from. Krone definitely wasn't lying. And the demons don't take us lightly. A cliff like that needs no security." You said. "You mean we can't use the wall to escape?" Emma asked. "Well..." you said. They gasped. "There is a way." You said. You took out a notebook and a pencil and began to draw. "I ended up going to the edge of the wall. It split into two more. One side still faced the cliff. The other made up the side of the house here. They were both at 60 degree angles. And the two walls on the inside were identical. I saw the same scenery ahead." You said. They gasped. You nodded. "So basically, what I've learned from this, is that the house is on a hexagon property surrounded by a cliff." You said. Norman gasped. "And the lot that's directly west of where we are in plant three is likely the headquarters. It was the only lot with a bridge. Since we can't escape by using the wall, that bridge is our way out." You said. Then there was a knock on the door. You four gasped and turned around. Phil opened the door. "(Y/n)! Mom's calling for you!" He informed. "Tell her I'll be right there." You said. "Okay." Phil said. Phil closed the door. You, Norman, Ray and Emma sighed in relief. You got up. "Well, I should get going." You said. "Hey, just wait a minute!" Ray said. "(Y/n)!" Emma shouted. "Please, (Y/n). Stay with us. I can't have you leave. I need you." Norman said. "Norman, you don't need me. You can continue the escape plan perfectly fine on your own." You said. Norman gasped. You gave Ray the device back. "Here. I didn't use it." You said. Ray gasped. "Seriously?!" Norman roughly grabbed you. "You were gonna come back from the start, weren't you?!" He accused. "You said we would survive together! But this whole time, you were planning-" you smiled. "Yeah. Sorry I lied." You said. The three gasped. "I can't risk making any mistakes. 'Cause I can't let you die. The plan might be ruined if I run, and that would be a problem for me. I don't even want a chance of losing. You can't change my mind. I've decided." You said. Norman stepped back and sat down on the bed. Then put a hand over his head. "So, I did what I could today." You put the device on the desk. "I'm leaving the rest to you. Make sure the escape succeeds." You said. "Now wait a second!" Emma said. You hugged the three of them. "You're warm. Thanks, you guys. Because of you three, I had a good life. I had fun. I was happy. I was fortunate." You said. Ray and Norman began to cry. "No. You can't. Damn it." He hugged you. "Please, (Y/n). Don't go." Norman said. You hugged him too. "Hey, (Y/n), it's not too late to run." Emma said. "Just go hide in the forest." She said. You released from the hug. "It's like I already said, I made my choice." You said. Emma gasped. You began to walk away. "Goodbye." You said. As you were packing, you saw a string telephone you had created when you were little.


Norman coughed as he laid in bed as Isabella took his temperature. "Another cold. No snowball fights for you." She said. "Norman can't play anymore?" A kid asked. "Not until he gets better. Which means I don't want any of you in the infirmary for a while, understand?" Isabella asked. "Yes, mom." The children said. Norman sighed. A while later you jumped on his bed. "Boo!" You said. "(Y/n)." He said. "I came to visit." You said. Norman coughed. "Yeah, but mom said not to." He pointed out. "I know she did, but you're all by yourself when you get sick like this. I thought you might be alone." You said. You sat on a stool chair next to his bed. "I'll do all the talking so you don't have to. Is that okay?" You asked. "You can't stay here. You'll catch my cold." Norman said. "That isn't true." You said. "Huh?" Norman asked. "I was told I'll never ever get sick!" You said. "Huh?" Norman asked. Isabella sighed. "(Y/n)!" She said. You gasped. "When did you sneak in here?" She walked over. "Careful, or you'll get sick too." She said. "Don't worry mom, Ray said that I'd be fine!" You said. "What?" She asked. "This book said that idiots don't get sick." Ray said as he held a book in his hands. Isabella sighed and grabbed your hand. "Regardless, you can't be in here, (Y/n)." She said as she dragged you out. You and Norman tried to reach for each other's hands. "You can play with him once he's better. Do you understand?" She said.  "Yes, mom." They said. Norman sighed and Isabella put do not cross tape over the door. Norman turned around and tried to go to sleep. Then he heard the other children playing outside and sighed. Then he saw (H/c) hair pop out. You jumped up. "I'm back!" You said. Norman yelped. Norman coughed and turned away. "(Y/n) you can't be-" "here. For you." You said as you gave him a cup. "A cup?" Norman asked. "Ray and Emma taught me how to make it. Isn't it cool?" You asked. "(Y/n)." Isabella said. You gasped. Isabella picked you up as you began to squirm around. "You really don't know when to give up, do you?" Isabella asked. "They said we'd be able to talk using the string phone!" You said. Norman put the cup to his ear. You grabbed the other end. "Are you there?" You asked. Norman gasped. "Norman, can you hear me?" You asked. Norman chuckled. "Yeah. Loud and clear." He said. You chuckled. "Ray, Emma!" You said. Emma smiled. "How cool! Now we can talk even though I'm out here! Hooray!" You said. Emma laughed. "You know, if you keep yelling like that, you won't even need the string phone." Ray said. You, Norman and Emma laughed as Isabella smiled.

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