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"So," Norman began. "The next thing we look at is." You said. "Outside!" You four said together. "We already got lots of stuff done on the inside." Ray said. "Training's going well. The trackers can be broken, which leaves..." you said. "Learning about the outside and outsmarting the adults." Ray said. "Once that's done, we can clear the wall for sure." Ray said. "Mest is checking out the escape route." Emma said. "The escape we've planned out consists of the three steps. One, we ascend the wall. Two, we safely get as far away as we can. Three, we learn how to survive and become self reliant. We have everything we need to pass the first step. As for the second, the outside is key. When we leave, we should run as far as we can. So let's examine and prepare." Norman said. "We need info about the area outside." Ray said. "Oh! When I climbed up a tree I saw a big forest!" Emma said. "Okay, but we've gotta confirm stuff like that." Ray said. "Let's look into it starting tomorrow." You said. "Oh, yeah. There was one more thing I wanted to mention." Emma said. "Hmm?" You and Norman asked. "There's someone I want you to meet!" Emma smirked. Emma was on a latter in the library. "The person I want to introduce is..." Emma said as she reached for the book. She grabbed it and opened the book. "Right here." She pointed. You looked at the book. "Mr. William Minerva." You read. "Really?" Norman asked. Emma nodded. "Who's he?" Norman asked as he took the book. "I don't know, all I know is that he's the former owner of these books. But, I think it's possible that he's on our side." Emma said as she climbed down the latter.  "What do you mean?" You asked.  "He's been delivering a message through the books in this library. And not just a few books, but lots of them!" Emma said.  "So this sticker is..." Norman said. "A bookplate." Emma said. "It's a label that shows who owned the book before it came here." Ray said. "Okay, but where's the message?" You asked. "Look closer." Emma said. Norman looked at the book again. "They're all the same owl bookplate." He said. His eyes widened. "Wait. The circle." He said. He traced his finger on it. "It's morse code!" Norman said. "Correct." Ray said. "It says "run" and this one says "doubt" you said as you read the codes. "Then there's "danger." And this last one is "truth" still, these don't mean...." Norman said. Emma walked over carrying more. "Hey, check these too." She said. "Harvest, monster, and farm." You read. Norman gasped. "This is..." he said. "It's a message to us from the outside. Hidden from everybody else." Ray said. "I think we can at least trust these." He said. "You sure?" You asked. "I tend do be more suspicious than Emma, so yeah." Ray said as he put his hand on her head. "It's possible that this Minerva guy could be an ally to us. But unfortunately we don't know if he's dead or alive. So we shouldn't get our hopes up too much." Ray said. "You're always so negative." Emma said. "William Minerva, he's someone from the outside who's aware that our farm exists, and while it may be indirectly, he's definitely trying to help us." You said. "That's right!" Emma said. "An ally on the outside. He might even still be there! In which case it's possible a society of humans may exist." Norman said.

"Exactly!" Emma said. "These messages, are only in books that belonged to him. It's hard to tell exactly when these labels were put inside. But at least we know that this one was done after the year 2015." Emma said. "I see. Are we aware of anything else? Like if the books have some kind of similarity?" You asked. "No. The genres are varied. Same goes for the publishers and years they were published." Emma said. "But what about... uh... which one was it?" Emma asked as she looked around. "We don't understand the morse code in these two." Emma said. "One is a run-of-the-mill adventure novel. The other's a confusing mythology book." Ray said. Norman opened the book. "There's no morse code here." He said. "As for this one." Norman opened the second book. "Promise." Norman read. "What does that mean?" You asked. "I'm pretty sure there's some kind of meaning in these two. A book with the message "promise" and one that doesn't have morse code, but has a few ripped pages in it." Emma said. "So you think these ones are special?" Norman asked. "Yeah. If I'm right, then I think it's extremely likely, that these will become an important guide for us." Emma said. "Based on what?" Ray asked. "A hunch!" Emma said. Ray grunted. "What's with that face?!" Emma asked. You chuckled. "I think this is all worth looking into. Let's learn more about Mr. Minerva." You said. "We're not just escaping, right guys? We're gonna find a way to survive in this world." You said. Norman nodded. "Let's run. Let's live. No matter what things are like out there." He said. "I'm kind of surprised. I expected Ray to find the bookplates since he reads a lot." Norman said as the four of you walked out of the room. "How the heck did you manage to find them, Emma?" You asked. "Oh, it wasn't me who noticed them." Emma said. "Huh?" Norman asked. "Phil was actually the one who showed me." Emma said. "Really?" Norman asked. "Mm hmm." She said. "A kid's book he was reading happened to be Mr. Minerva's. And there was a part in it that had morse code so..." she said. "Huh?" Emma asked as she looked around but didn't see Don or Gilda. "Don and Gilda!" She said. "They're not here, either." You said after you checked the kitchen. "Could they be..." Emma said. She gasped as Don and Gilda came back. "Don! Gilda! Oh good. I thought-" She stopped as she saw how angry Don was. Ray ran up to them. "Where were you?" He asked. All of you went into another room. "Well?" Ray asked. "We were just in mom's secret room okay?" Don said. "What?" You asked. "But how?" Emma asked. "You see, Don stole the key and..." Gilda said. "He what?!" You asked. "Wait. Did she-" Norman began. "I don't think she noticed. And we already put it back, so..." Gilda said. "That was a stupid move!" Ray snapped. "Did you not even stop to think that the room could have had a camera or an alarm? What would you have done then? If mom or Krone found out, you two- no, we'd all be-" Ray asked.

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