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"Huh? Sister's not here." A little girl said as she looked around. "Where do you think she is?" A little boy asked. "Mom said she had to work." Phil said. "Aw, man!" The other kids said in disappointment. "Thank you for the food." Isabella said. "Thank you for the food." Everyone said. "Thank you! It was delicious!" The kids said as they thanked Isabella. A while later Ray walked over to Isabella's door. She opened it and saw him. "Are you ready? Time to switch stuff out." He said. Isabella smiled then Ray led her out of the room. "Let's review. Norman, (Y/n) and Emma will inspect above the wall. Don and Gilda, stand outside where you can see the second floor window to the south. Stay alert. I'll signal to you if I'm not able to distract mom. And that's when you two tell the others to cancel the inspection." "I hope this goes smoothly." Gilda said as she and Don stood beside each other and watched the window. Ray was leading Isabella upstairs. "I got rid of her." Isabella said. 

Ray gasped and turned around. "Huh?" He asked. "I removed Krone from the equation." She said. Ray gasped as he looked into her eyes and she chuckled. Ray quickly ran up the rest of the stairs and tripped on the way. Then he ran to Krone's door and slammed it open, but the room was dark and empty. All he heard was the sound of a clock ticking. Isabella came from behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Know why she's gone? Because I didn't need her." Isabella said. Ray gasped. "And you're next." Isabella said. "Huh?" Ray asked. "Our deal is officially over as of right now." Isabella said as she put her hands together. "What? Y- you're joking!" Ray said. "Come on! How can you say you don't need me?! I was helpful to you, right? You were using me. So you could stay in the shadows and control them indirectly!" Ray shouted. "Precisely." Isabella said. "I was doing a good job. To you, I'm..." Ray said as he looked down. "Yes. You were quite the useful dog. That's why I kept you by my side." Then she leaned closer to him. 

"Despite the fact you're a lair and a traitor." She said. Ray gasped and Isabella stood up. "I can still be of use to you, though!" Ray said "It's a non issue!" Ray shouted. He then started coughing. "Yes. It's true there's no fault with you. I know that it's unfair. It affects me as well. Initially, I had planned to keep you around until the very end of all this." She said. "That doesn't-" Isabella cut him off. "But unfortunately the situation has changed." Isabella then took out the device. "I'll be controlling them on my own from now on." She said. Ray gasped. "I'm sorry, Ray. I hope you'll forgive me for what I'm about to do." Isabella said. Ray gasped and ran to her. Isabella then shoved him away and closed the door. Ray looked up. "Mom?" He asked. "Just stay in there for a little while." She said. Ray gasped and ran to the door. "I'll be sure to let you out when I'm back." She said. Ray began pounding on the door. Isabella looked at her device. "Now then, based on the speed of the three signals, it must be Emma, (Y/n) and Norman. So they're running through the forest, heading for the fence,

I assume. To inspect it." Isabella said. Ray gasped. "By the way, I'm not the least bit worried about the poison. I know that you'll protect me." Isabella said. "For their sake, you won't get me killed. Isn't that right? That's why when you try to suppress me, I know you'll use a different method." Isabella said. Ray gasped. Isabella closed her device. "Goodbye, Ray. Thank you for all that you've done for me." Isabella said. Then she began to walk away. Ray grabbed his head in frustration. "Damn it! No! I've gotten get out of here!" He said. Ray tried to kick the door open, but it didn't work. "I can't believe this!" He said. "Huh. Nothing." Don said as he and Gilda kept looking at the window. "Yeah." She said. "So far, so good." Don said. Gilda gasped as the door opened and Isabella walked outside. Don gasped and stepped back. "Wait. What's going on?" Gilda asked. "Mom came out even though Ray didn't signal us." She pointed out. "Don, what should we do?" Gilda asked. "Stay here. I'll go check it out." Don said as he ran off. "Don!" Gilda said. "I'll be right back!" He said. Ray grunted as he pushed himself against the door. "Just open up already." He said. "Ray, is that you?" Don asked. Ray gasped. "Yeah! It's me!" He shouted. "Stand back!" Don said. "Huh?" Ray asked. He went closer to listen and heard Don running forward. Ray gasped and quickly stepped aside as Don crashed the door down. "Hey, you okay?" Ray asked. "I'm fine. But we gotta hurry!" Don said. "Yeah, you're right!" Ray said. Gilda gasped as Don and Ray rushed outside. Ray quickly ran off. "Gilda, let's go!" Don said. "Does that mean the plan's cancelled? What do we do now?" She asked.

"The inspection is still on! We gotta stop mom!" Don said. "Huh, really?" She asked. "This is our only chance! We need to make sure they get to inspect the top of the wall before mom gets to them!" Don said. "R- right!" Gilda said. Ray was running as fast as he could to catch up to you, Emma and Norman. Emma took the bag out from the tree and jumped down. The three of you nodded at each other. Emma gasped as she looked around. "Emma." You said. "Yeah." She said, then she tossed the bag into the woods. The three of you waited until you saw Isabella walking forward. Emma gasped. "Why is...?" She asked. You smiled at her. "Hey, mom! Is someone wrong?" You asked, trying to put up an innocent facade. She smiled and closed the device. "Ten years." She said. "Huh?" You asked. "That's how long we've been living together. But this is the first time we've talked without any of us acting." She said. Isabella smiled. 

"It's nice to meet you, (Y/n). The same goes for Emma and Norman." She said. You three gasped. Isabella laughed. "Come now. Why do you look so worried? It's only me, so you're free to relax. There isn't anyone else around. You don't have to act like good little kids who don't know anything. Right now, we're the caretaker and the children meant to be food." She said. You three gasped. "However, I must admit, I love every one of my children I've raised. I do, truly. As if you all were my own children. That's why, I came out here to ask that you just give it up." She said. "You want us to..." Emma said. "Give up?" Norman finished. "Give up resisting." Isabella smiled. "I love you all and don't want you to suffer. And I especially don't want to be the cause of your suffering. This life is happy, isn't it?" She asked. "You get to live in a warm house filled with delicious food and love. If you can stay oblivious to the truth, you are able to die feeling satisfied." She smiled. "So how does that sound like anything but paradise?" She asked. "That's what you think this is? Are you saying that this "happy life" was worth what Conny went through?" You asked. "Death happens in an instant. Until the moment she died, Conny experienced a rich life full of smiles and laughter." She said. You gasped. "What's the point if it's all just fake?! I'm going to live freely even if I suffer for it! Then I'll decide happiness for myself!" You said. "Stop!" Norman said. You looked at him. "Norman..." Emma said. 

"Escaping is impossible. And it's dangerous outside. You don't really want to go out there." Isabella held her hand out. "Now, why don't we all go back to living happily together? Like none of this happened." She said. "My greatest wish is for the six of you to live joyous lives until your time eventually runs out." She said. "Six? Not four?" Norman asked. The three of you looked at each other and gasped. You three sighed. "Fine, mom. You win." Norman said. She smiled. Norman smiled. "I'll stop being a good kid." He said. "Huh?" Isabella asked. Emma glared at her and ran forward. "Go, (Y/n)!" She said. Emma ran to Isabella while you went to get the bag. Isabella chuckled and then you and Norman stopped when you heard a snap. You turned around and saw Isabella on top of Emma. You gasped as Emma laid on the ground. She screamed in pain. Ray, Don and Gilda were running toward you and the others. Emma sobbed as Isabella picked her up. Ray, Don and Gilda arrived and saw Isabella holding Emma as you and Norman looked terrified. Isabella was petting Emma as she shushed her. 

"You're going to be okay. It doesn't hurt. Don't cry." Isabella said. "Aw, poor thing. My adorable Emma. This is why I told you to give up." Then she hugged her. "But I'm glad you hugged me for the first time in a while." She chuckled. Then she turned to you and Norman. "And you two realized it quickly. I'm impressed. Yes, I'll control all of you until the very end. Because you're different than most of the other children. You're special food that only a special one is able to eat. The highest quality of children I've ever raised." She said. "So then..." Norman said. Isabella turned to you and Norman. "That's why I have to protect you all. No matter the cost. I was forced to do this, because it was clear you weren't going to give up." Emma cried in pain. The kids at the house laughed and played until they noticed Isabella walking back with Emma in her arms. The kids all ran to her. "Oh no, what happened to Emma?" One asked. "Did she get hurt?" Mark asked. "Look!" Thoma said. The other kids gasped. "Huh?" Phil asked as he looked at Emma in Isabella's arms. "You won't be able to move for a while. Which means I'll have no worries for tomorrow." Isabella said. "Tomorrow?" Ray asked. "Yes. That's right. You can stay and celebrate, Emma." She said. "Huh?" Norman asked. Isabella looked at you. "There was a notice from headquarters. So, congrats, (Y/n). The time for you to be shipped has come." Isabella said. Everyone gasped.

The Promised Neverland X Reader Norman's SisterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum