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"I've set aside this room for you." Isabella said. "Thank you, it's perfect." Krone said. "That's sure gonna be inconvenient." Ray said as the four of you watched them. "She's between the three children's rooms." Emma said. "It'll be easier for her to watch us." You said. She turned around and saw all of you. You smiled at her innocently. "I was so focused on the trackers, that another adult never crossed my mind." Norman said. "We should be happy about this." Ray said. "Huh? What do you mean?" Emma asked. "With Carol and sister Krone here, we have two new scores of info." Ray said. "You're right." You said. "First off, where did they both come from? I suppose Carol's here to replace Conny. They must be replenishing merchandise." Norman said. "If this place is a farm, they must have a base where they prepare all the one year olds to resupply the house." Norman said. "So then, do you think we all came from that place at some point?" Emma asked. "Probably, and I bet Sister Krone did too." Ray said. "It's significant that there are adults other than mom. It means there might be other farms similar to this one. Are the adults who work for the demons under their control from the time they're born? Or after they're captured? Knowing could change how we survive after escaping." You said. "But first, we need to find out how to escape with everyone. Plus find the tracking devices." Ray said. "I've searched all over my body, but there are no scars to show that anything was implanted." Emma said. "Nothing in our clothes either." She said. "Just based on mankind's existing technology, they probably use radio waves and need batteries. Something battery powered, that's small, doesn't leave a scar, and lasts over ten years." Ray said. "That kind of technology wouldn't exist in 2015." He said. "Meaning?" Emma asked. "It's going to be difficult to find the location and then figure out how to break it. And if it's demon technology, we may as well give up." Ray said. "You're right." Norman said. "Huh? That's it?" Emma asked. "Pretty much." Ray said. "That's awful!" Emma said. "Well, if we can't solve it, we can guess." You said. "Right. Let's think like them. It might help. What would be the most convenient place to put it in?" Ray said. "Hm." Emma said. You tried to think about it for a while. You then gasped. "Carol!" You said. Emma gasped. "She might still have a mark, since she just arrived." You said. "From where they put the device." Emma said.

Time Skip

"The kids all adore her." Norman said as you four watched Krone playing with a young child. "Hey, me next!" A little girl said. "Yeah. How do we make someone out to be the bad guy when everyone loves them?" Ray asked. "Exactly. I'm more worried about the demons being notified. As soon as they know we've escaped, they're gonna come after us." You said. "There's only one way we can prevent that. The grown ups will have to be..." Ray said. You gasped as Krone came up from behind. "You're Norman." She said. Then she turned to Ray. "And you're Ray." Then she looked at you. "And you're (Y/n), correct?" She asked. You tried to smile. "That's us." You said. "I heard you get perfect test scores. "Yes." Norman said. "That's amazing. Nice to meet you, I know we'll get along." She said. She chuckled, then walked away. "Did she hear us?" You asked. "No, we're okay." Norman said. "That woman, I don't think she came here simply just to watch children." He said. "What are you saying?" Ray asked. "The way she looked at us, she suspects us. Since we're the oldest." Norman said. "Wait. How'd she find out?" You asked. "Isn't it obvious? Mom told her. Mom is on our trail. And she's closing in on us." Norman said. "Let's hurry." You said.

Time Skip

You watched Emma as she played with a ball. She ran after it and tried to catch it, but missed. "Aw!" She said. She continued to chase it. "Yeah, they're in a place no one would notice." You said as you touched your ear. "I never knew about a mark from when they took our blood. And it disappears that quickly?" Norman said. "Yeah. I knew, but I never even considered that would be it. Sorry." Emma said. "Oh no, you did great, Emma." Norman said. You nodded. "We now know the location and the size of the device. On to the next step." You said. "The next step is..." Emma said. "How to break it." You four said. "Let's see, if we tried to make an incision..." Norman said. "Mom might lift our hair and see it." Emma said. "She'd catch on." You said. "You're right. Well, whether or not we can break the transmitters, the tracking devices implanted in us aren't that useful in the grand scheme of things." Ray said. "What? How do you figure that?" Emma asked. "The signal's so crude it can't specify an individual. Without checking, she can't tell where we are. Even if we get close to the gate or walls, it doesn't notify her." Ray said. "But we still have them." You said. "Yes, but why? They must be confident they can come after us. As long as the tracker device is intact." Ray said. "Hold on. So that means if it were to send a notification it'd only be after it's been destroyed?" Norman asked. "That's a definite possibility." Ray said. "What do you guys mean?" Emma asked. "Weren't you listening? An alarm probably goes off once the trackers are broken." Ray said. "So mom would find out instantly?" Emma asked. "If a notification function really exists." Ray said. "But, knowing that mom purposefully clued us in on the existence of the devices, we can't ignore the risk." You said. "It's dangerous to even touch it. So we can only destroy it when we escape." Ray said. "What?! But how do we deal with it?! We have to know!" Emma said. "Actually, I've been thinking. The shape and size of it brings something else to mind. Leave it to me. I'll figure out a work around." Ray said. "You sure?" Emma asked. "Uh huh." Ray said. "If you say so, it's all yours." Emma said.

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