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"(Y/n)'s getting... shipped out?" Ray asked. "Yes. It's happening tomorrow." Isabella said. Emma winced in pain as she grabbed her leg. "So then, what happened to Emma?" Ray asked. Isabella smiled. "It was a clean break so don't worry." Isabella said. Everyone gasped. Isabella picked her up. "I guarantee it'll heal up perfectly without a scar. Though it'll take a few months to do so. I do hope that it's healed before your birthday, Ray." Isabella said. Ray growled. "And Norman, give me that bag later." She said. Norman gasped. "Now. Let's go back to the house." Isabella said as she began to walk back.

Time Skip

"What are we supposed to do? (Y/n)'s getting shipped out. She took the rope. Not to mention Emma can't move." Don said. "Emma's gonna heal up in no time. And the rope can be replaced!" Ray shouted. "The escape can happen. It has to!" Ray said. "But (Y/n)'s our focus for now!" He continued. "Out of all of us, why was she picked to be shipped?" Gilda questioned. "When she said the situation changed, she meant the next shipment. It was about (Y/n)." Ray said. "She even... got rid of Sister Krone." Gilda said.  "It seemed like everything was normal this morning, right? She was smiling and doing chores like she usually does. And now she's gone, and it's all because of mom." Don said. Don gasped. Ray angrily kicked a bucket and sent it flying. Meanwhile you, Norman and Emma were watching Emma as she laid in bed. "Emma." You said. She gasped and looked at you. Emma reached your hand out and you took it with both hands. Emma gasped and began to cry. "There's no need to worry. All she did was take the rope." You said. "But that's not the point." Emma said. "You don't have to give up on this. Your leg will heal." You said. Norman gasped. Emma quickly sat up. "No, (Y/n)! We can't let you get shipped!" She said. "You'll succeed in escaping." You said. "You're coming too! Okay?! You have to, 'cause we need you!" You slowly let go of her hand. "Thirsty? I'll get some water." You said. "(Y/n)!" Norman said. You got up and left the room. You walked through the halls and went to the sinks. You turned the sink on, and dropped the cup in the water. You gasped and fell to the floor and began to cry. "Ray, what about (Y/n)?!" Don asked. "She's going to escape! No matter what!" Ray shouted. Don and Gilda gasped and Ray growled in frustration. Then he turned to them. "Don, Gilda, let's go." He said.

They gasped, then nodded. Norman and Emma gasped as they heard the door open. Ray came in and the three of them shared determined looks. "We're getting (Y/n) out." Ray said. Norman and Emma nodded. You stood back up and got the water. Then you walked back to the bedroom. You stood next to the door and took a deep breath. Then opened the door and smiled. "I'm back." You said. You looked surprised to see Ray. "Ray." You said. "The plan is, tomorrow you'll escape by yourself." Ray said. "You won't die. Not on our watch." Emma said. Norman nodded. "Yeah. You're coming with us." You smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, but... I can't." You said. "You can!" Norman, Ray and Emma shouted. You flinched. "But to be more accurate, you'll just pretend to do it." Ray said. "Huh?" You asked. "You'll disable your tracking device, fake an escape. Then hide in the area till Emma's healed up." Ray said. "And on the day of the escape, you'll run away with us." Emma said. "Yeah, but even if it's fake, once I go security'll get together." You said. "Not a problem. Based on what the houses's caretaker policies, security won't increase much." Ray said. "Caretaker policies?" You asked. "One, to let us all grow freely, two, strict confidentiality. The first is for developing our brains. A child that grows up freely with rich emotions, that's the minimum requirement for the product here." Ray said. "So then, point two, means..." Norman said. "Yeah. The demons stay out of sight. If we fear them, our brains won't grow as planned. So the worst they'll do is add more guards or caretakers. And those things we can deal with. I know it!" Ray said. "Even so, if they end up making the wall taller than it is now, how do you plan on climbing over it?" You asked. "You can make a ladder! While you're hiding out in the forest." Ray protested. "What if they change the tracking device to a more complex one?" You asked. "If they implant new ones, we'll know where they are. So we can take them out! We can handle it!" Ray said. You sighed. "Don't you get it?! We're telling you that you don't have to die! I'll supply your food and keep you hidden. No matter what! Tighter security should be no problem! And I still haven't used my trump card to outwit mom! So stay alive! Just pretend to run away and then-" Ray was cut off. "I can't." You said. Ray and Norman gasped. "Sorry, but it won't work. It's not security. If I run, you, Norman or Emma might end up getting shipped in my place. To have any of you get killed instead of me, I couldn't bear it. They can have my life. But I have no intention of giving them anything else. I'll destroy what mom's been plotting. And make sure the escape plan succeeds." You said. Ray shuddered. "But thank you, really. We should come up with a new plan. One that you guys can execute after I'm gone." You said. "You idiot. Six years, that's how long I've planned all this!" Ray shouted. You smiled sadly. "Sorry." You said. "Damn it!" Ray cursed. "(Y/n) please. You can't just give up. I need you." Norman said. "Well, Ray or Norman could break their leg too." Emma said. "Eh?" You asked.

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