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You, Norman and Ray were hanging clothes up. You turned to Emma. "Emma, we should start playing tag in teams from now on." You said. "Why's that?" She asked. "Honestly? Most would die if they escaped on their own." Ray said. "Come on, Ray!" Emma said. "Not to say that they don't have some potential, but we shouldn't let them run solo." Ray said. "We'll make formations and take off in teams." Norman said. "That way, we can simulate the real escape." You said. "The real one?" Emma asked. "I had another idea as well." Norman said. "Which is?" Emma asked. "Let's tell Don and Gilda. If we get them on our side, they can be team leaders." Norman said. "And what if they turn out to be mom's informants?" Ray asked. "Don't worry. I'll basically be killing two birds with one stone. Just leave it all to me. I've already made arrangements." Norman said. "Emma." Ray said. She looked at him. "Listen up. Memorize these formations." Ray said. "There are a hundred of them." Ray said. "Wait. Do you mean by ear?" She asked. Ray smirked. "That a problem?" He asked. "Easy peasy." She said. The four of you were with the other kids for recess. "The goal here is to not get caught. You have ten minutes. Go!" Ray said. You began to run with the rest of the children. "Everyone, follow me!" Emma said. "Let's surprise Ray by winning!" Emma said. "We got this in the bag." Don said. You nodded to Don and he took some kids in a different direction. Emma signaled for them to get lower, and they did. Ray chuckled once your group took off in two separate directions. "That was fun!" Phil said. "You did pretty amazing out there, Phil." Emma said. "Hey, can we do that again? And this time, I wanna be the leader." Don asked. "Maybe we should take a little break first." Gilda said. "This was a great idea! I think it'll work!" Emma said. "Hmm. Emma, what's Phil's score?" Ray asked.

"Huh? His score, huh? I'm pretty sure he's averaging about 203." She said. "That's pretty high." You said. When we played tag with sister and now, he was one of the last left. How odd." Ray said. "Hmm?" Emma asked. "And on top of that, he and Sherry are always looking for you three." Ray said. Emma gasped. "Stop it! I don't wanna suspect him there's no way!" Emma said. "You've gotta start being more suspicious of everyone, you dummy! This is life or death." Ray said. "Hey, Ray." Norman said. "Hmm?" He asked. "Are you any closer to breaking the tracking devices? How much time do you need?" He asked. "Let's see here. About ten days." Ray said. "Right. Then ten days from now." You said. "Huh?" Ray asked. "That's when we'll break out of this place. On November 8th." You said. The trio gasped. "W- wait! That's so soon! Which is fine, but-" Emma began. "Are you crazy? Conny was shipped two weeks ago. And shipments go out every two months. So we should have a month and a half!" Ray protested. "Weren't we supposed to use that time to carefully prepare our plan?" Ray asked. You nodded. "Yeah, but see? You're only thinking that way because mom is controlling us to think that way." You said. Ray gasped. "So I say we outwit her." You said. The trio looked unsure about the idea. "We're likely to fail if we rush. What then, (Y/n)?" Ray asked. "We need to escape before winter comes. Once we break the devices, we'll execute the escape plan." You said. "Then, we've got a little over a week to do everything." Emma said. You nodded and Ray scoffed. "So, let's talk to Don and Gilda about the plan tonight." Emma said. You followed Emma up the stairs. "Please guys, just follow my lead." She said. "Huh?" Ray asked. Don gasped as the door opened. "Hey, Emma, what's up?" Don asked. Gilda sighed.

"Human trafficking? Are you sure?" Don asked. Gilda gasped. "Yeah. All of our siblings... were sold off to some really bad people." Emma said. Don gasped, then began laughing. "No, no, no! There's no way! Come on!" Don said. "It explains the walls and gate. And also why the kids who get adopted never send any letters." Norman said. "All right guys, so what's the punchline? You almost had me there for a second." Don said. Emma looked down. "Uh... hey. Why aren't you guys saying anything?" Don said. "Because it's true." Ray said. "What?" Don asked. "Wait, but mom..." Don said. "She's the one, who sells us to people." Emma said. "Huh?! There's no way mom would ever do that to us!" Don grabbed her shoulders and shook her. "Take it back, Emma!" Don said. "Don." Gilda said. "Emma loves mom and this house just as much as the rest of us. Why would she make this up?" Gilda asked. Don gasped. "Gilda?" You asked. "To tell the truth, I did think it was weird. The night that Conny left, Emma, (Y/n) and Norman all went down to the gate." She said. "Wait, you did?" Don asked. Norman nodded. "Yeah." He said. "In most cases even if you broke the rules, you'd eventually come clean about it and things would go back to normal. But you haven't done that yet." Gilda said. She gasped. "I wanted to ask about it, but I always got too scared to bring it up." She said. Gilda then began to cry, and you went and hugged her. "Gilda, please don't cry." You said. "Did you see it happen? Did you guys see Conny being sold out to the bad people?" Gilda asked. "Yeah. But we didn't make it in time." Norman said. "Okay, but, is Conny safe?" Don asked. "I don't know." Norman said. You felt sudden anger rising. Why were they lying? "Impossible! This can't be real!" Don said. "I don't know if this proves much, but (Y/n), Emma and Ray spent the last few days looking into everyone's test scores." Norman said as he held up the papers. "Our test scores?" Don and Gilda asked. "According to this, kids over six are adopted in order of lowest scores first. Weird, huh?" You asked. "So not just Conny's scores but Hao and Ceddy too." Don said.

"It's just like Norman said." Gilda said. "Don, Gilda?" Emma asked. Everyone looked at her. "Let's all escape. So that we can help everyone. We can do it! If we work together!" Emma said. "Please help us." She said. They both nodded, and she smiled at them. Emma then went to the bedroom. "What was that?!" Ray snapped. "Not to your liking?" Norman asked. "So we can help everyone?! You should have told them they died!" You said. "We did what we had to so they'd join us." Norman said. "If they end up not being spies then that was a cruel thing to do to someone. Conny is dead! You shouldn't have given them false hope!" You said. "They need the truth! When are you going to tell them? Can you?" Ray asked. "Maybe when the time is right." Norman said. "We still have to assume they might be spies. So then we should lay a trap." Norman said. "A trap?" Ray asked. "I'm going to tell them where the rope is hidden. I'll tell Don that it's behind my bed. Gilda will know that it's in the second floor bathroom's ceiling. And at that point how is mom gonna find out? We'll just have to see." Norman said. "Okay, but what if the ropes are gone and it turns out that neither of them are the spy?" Ray asked. "I've already considered that." He said. "Seems like you're preparing for everything." Ray said. "Yeah, it's like Sis said." Norman said. Ray gasped. "The key here is to outwit."

Time Skip

"Thank you for all your help, Don." Krone said. "Yeah. No problem." Don said. "You think we should be worried?" Gilda asked. "It's time to go, mom's watching us." Emma said. You helped Norman and Ray clean dishes. "According to what Emma told me, we can trust Gilda." You said. "I'm curious. Why do you think the traitor's betraying us?" Norman asked. "It's obvious that there's gotta be some sort of advantage. Think about it. Maybe they get spared from being shipped or something." Ray said. You gasped. "Guaranteed survival. Huh." You said. Don and Gilda watched as you led some children into the forest. "Oh, I get it now. This was all escape training, wasn't it?" Don asked. Later that night, Norman saw.you walking through the hall. "One, two, three." You said. "(Y/n), can we talk?" He asked. The two of you went into the bedroom. "I need your thoughts on something." Norman said.

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