Hanging out with Mer

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Debby Ryan as Jay.

Calling every morning at the same time wondering if we could hang out. Always saying yes wanting to hang out with the boyfriend. In between sleeping again or hanging out with him. Mer would always say I'm so sorry for waking you up. I would always say it's okay, but I always wanna say leave me alone tell I wake up Mer. Then he was at my house almost every day or we would go to his house.

When we were at my house we did some sexual things but at his house we cuddled and hung out on his bed. The sexual things we did were somewhat innocent.

We would be in my bed laying down I would be in the blankets and he would be on top of them because my dad would say Mer you have to be on top of the blankets.

Laying down talking then kissing and making out. He would put his hand down my pants then to my vagina. Then go under my pants and underwear and finger me. When he fingered me it felt weird and not pleasurable. I would fake moan every time he fingered me.

He says,"Baby do you like it when I finger you?"

I say,"Yes."(cough cough lie cough cough) He just keeps fingering me then stops because my dad or sister walks by. I had to keep the door open with a guy in the room.

Then we just lay down cuddle, talking and then his ex-girlfriend messages me on facebook . I was like what the heck. She told me to be careful with Mer. Warning about Her domestic abuse that she had with Mer. Wondering will he be that why with me but at the same time not believing a word she said about Mer. I always look for the good in people. I was looking for the good in my boyfriend Mer what else is there to do.

What was there to look out for? What were the signs? Was she right about him? Did I not want to see the truth in her words? Did I just want to believe the lies? What should I have done to stop him? Why did he do the things he did? Should I have done a better job at getting to know him? All the questions going in my mind that won't be answered in a long time.

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