Realizing what was happening to myself

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Going place with my mom and hearing what my mom was saying made me realize that my boyfriend was abusing me sexually.
By me moving his hand away from my no no square time and time again but that didn't make him stop.

The day I finally realized it was in august. I told my dad what was happening crying thinking that it was all my fault but in reality it wasn't my fault. My dad called my mom and told her to come to our house to help me and said I needed to tell her something.  After waiting a couple of hours my mom came and I told her what Mer did to me. Then they call the police.

After hours a police officer came to talk to me. I was sitting on a stool by myself away from my parents. The police officer asked me what is wrong and I told him my boyfriend at the time would finger me and I would move his hand multiple times but it would always put his hand back.
He told me his daughter was sexually abused in college and knew what it was like to deal with this. He gave me his card to call about the case but we never did.

We put it aside somewhat trying to forget what happened but I could never forget what happened that summer with Mer. It stays with you. You relive those memories about what happened over and over again. I hope one day karma gets him for what he did.
I will always wonder why and ask all other questions in my head but never ask him those questions even if I want to.

But got to stand up to fight your mind

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But got to stand up to fight your mind.

My Sexual Abuse Story (true story)Where stories live. Discover now