My Sexual Abuse Story (true story)

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This is my story of what happened to me during the summer with my boyfriend at the time. You would think this could never happen to me. Then you relies that it did happen to you. You don't want to believe that it happened to you. You feel lost in your head and think about what he did to you. You don't eat your food. All you do is be in your head all day. You don't want to be touched. You feel useless,depressed, sad, and out in another "world". You have this one place in your head that disconnects you from the world around you. I call mine the dark place. I have been in my dark place a lot when I'm thinking about him. My sexual abuser's name is Mer. My name is Jay(girl). You're going to learn about my story that only some of my friends know and family members but I think some people need to know what to do if there in the same thing that has happened to me. And that you're not alone in your fight against the person that's abusing you. And I think its time for me to tell my story.

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