The day at Mer's House

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*Ring ring ring* Picks up phone says," Hello What's up?"

Mer says," Hey babe. Can you come over to my house?"

I say," I have to ask my dad so wait," Gets up to ask dad. " Hey dad can I go to Mer's house."

Dad says," Yes. Be home by nine." Gets back on phone.

I say," Babe you still there?"

Mer says," Yes. What did your dad say?"

I say," My dad said yes and that I have to be home at nine."

Mer says," Can you ride the max to civic dr? We will get you at civic dr."

I said," Okay."




On the max bored out of my mind. The max says Civic drive. I get off and look for him. I finally find him leaded against a car. I walk to him. When I get to him, we peck lips real quick and opens the car door open for me to get in.




His mom starts driving and says," Hi."

I say," Hello How are you?"

His mom says," I'm doing good. How are you?"

I say," I'm good."

  After driving a little way we stop in front of his house. We go into the house. He says,"We have roommates and shares a room with his brothers."
I say,"Okay." We hang out in the living room for a bit. 
  His mom says,"Dinner will be done soon. I hope you like it jay."
We say,"Okay." Then head to his room. We get to his room. He shows me around his room.
He says,"This bunk  is mine and under me is my desk and the bunk across from mine is my brothers. Wanna lay on my bed?"
I say,"Sure." I climb up after he climbs up and gets comfortable laying down next to him talking and kissing a bit. Then his two little brothers come in and ask who I am. 
Mer says,"This is Jay. She's my girlfriend."
I say,"Hello."
They say,"Hello."
The youngest brother asks us," if we could go in the living room to watch him color and to get to know me."
Mer says,"Hold on a for secs. Okay Junior."
Junior says,"Okay." And walks out of the room.
Mer says,"What's up skylar?"
Skylar says,"Nothing just hang out on my bed."
Mer says,"Okay." Turns to me and says," I have a couple gives for you."
I says,"Awe. You didn't have to."
He says," I wanted to." He hands me a little monkey pillow and a necklace. I hug him and say thank you.
Later that night in bed I think when we are at my house sexual things happen but when we at his house nothing happens that's a strange. But I just think I am overthink this and put it off.
I hear my phone ringing and I ignore it but it keeps going off. So I pick it up and say," hello. "
Mer says,"Good morning babe. Can we hang out today?"
I say,"I can't it's my mothers weekend. So I have to get ready for that."
He says,"Oh okay. I guess I will see you later and talk to you later. I love you bye."
I say,"I love you too bye." We hang up and I get up to get ready for my moms.

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