The day I met him....

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"Dad why are we going to the asweat, " I said. My thoughts are why is he making me go? I don't want to go.

My dad says," So you guys can learn more about your culture." My thoughts dang his right. There was a knock on the door. Thinking who can that be at the door. I open the door and it's the guy who has to take us to the a sweat. We're talking about different things while he's driving to the a sweat. We have fun talking and goffing off. Then to soon we are at the a sweat. I see my therapist Amber, running at her hugging her. She's the first person I love to see when I need to talk to someone. Let's just say I don't talk to people that much (hehehe). Then I see this really cute boy. Oh boy was I fangirling about this boy. I ask Amber," Who is that boy?"
Amber says," Jay go ask him yourself sweetie." I give her this look like she is crazy and asking me to jump off a cliff. She laughs at my reaction to what she said. Later that day I ask the boy for his Facebook. He gave me his Facebook too ( like omg fangirling here big time💁). His name was Mer Blair. I didn't see him at all after I met him. I started to slowly get over him. I started dating a guy in England. His name was Jake. We dated for weeks off and on. First time I broke up with him was for Mer. Mer was here in Oregon while Jake was all the way across the world. Mer and I dated off and on for a little bit. He would call at ten in the morning during the summer. Let me tell you staying up late and being called early in the morning was crazy. He would ask every day do you wanna hang out. I would say yeah. Then.............

Haha what do think happens next. Sorry probably shouldn't be playful but that is who I am playful. What are you're thoughts about what will happen next. 😉😄🙈🙉🙊. Thank you guys for all the reads. I am happy you are reading my story. I hope you like. Umm that sounds weird since this is about sexual abuse. Oh well. I am a very weird person. 😂😂

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