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Wait hold on what am I thinking ?! Thumb, thumb, thumb, you better be glad that I'm letting you stay in my house! But I'll never allow you to continue staying in my house after today!

He eventually fell asleep by Umji's side as his sleepiness took over him.

The next day, Umji woke up first before Yoongi did. Actually, it was okay for him to not take care of Umji at all since she is an angel. An angel wouldn't die because of a high fever and the fever would definitely go away after 24 hours for them since it was only a punishment.

Looking at the medicine, the cup of water, the pail of water and the towel that is on her forehead, she made a guess that he must have taken care of her the whole night yesterday. She once read in their angel book that humans know how to cook and they need to eat. Those things they eat are called "food", and they can be swallowed like saliva.

Wanting to repay Yoongi for his kindness in taking care of her the whole night, she made a really dangerous decision and that was to cook. After only 10 minutes, the kitchen was in a disaster. Even the recipes by the side couldn't help her. With her making loud sounds, Yoongi eventually woke up from his sleep.

He woke up only to see Umji not on the bed anymore and the kitchen had many loud sounds.

.... Thief?

Yoongi held onto an object that was the closest to him and was ready to beat the thief out of his house.

He carefully walked out of his room so that the other party couldn't hear him. As he walked closer to the kitchen, that familiar back was shown to him.

"What the hell, was that you Kim Thumb"

"Gosh stop calling me Thumb would you, just call me Yewon, it feels like it would be easier for you"

"I don't care what your name is! What are you doing? Is this still my house ?!"
Yoongi exclaimed as he looked at the mess that Umji had created.

"You've been living in this house for years and yet you still can't recognise your own house?"

"I mean, what are you doing to my kitchen?!"

"Can't you tell? I'm trying to make you food. I've succeeded! But...I don't know why is the colour so different from the recipes, it's literally just black."
At this point in time, Umji is completely clueless about the human world, and of course their foods.

Umji turned around and took the plate of "food" and showed Yoongi, plastering a satisfied smile on her face. It was lucky that Yoongi had a strong mentality, or else he would have fainted right on the spot.

He was this close to exploding, but looking at the clueless Umji, he couldn't bring himself to scold her at all.

"Forget it. Just step aside, I'll just make breakfast for you"
Yoongi said as he let out a sigh. Not only that he have to take care of her, but now he has to make her food and also clean the mess in the kitchen.

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