f i f t e e n

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Yoongi and Kim Taek were chased down by the God of Angels with the task of finding Umji. Without the watch, it is almost impossible for them to find her back.

Yoongi went to the beach where everything took place, while Kim Taek was just wandering around, trying his luck to spot Umji anywhere.

After hours of looking for Umji at those places where they'd been before, there was still no sight of Umji. This new feeling started developing deep in Yoongi, it's called fear. He felt so scared that he felt so suffocating, it was as if someone was choking him up. He hates this feeling too.

Tears started forming and he was shocked by it himself. He had never cried in his entire life since he could not feel anything. This was his first time, crying for a girl whom he didn't know he loved so deeply.

Where are you...Umji...?


"Luckily I found you first before they did"

Umji was with the God of Devils. She was kidnapped by him and is now being tied up on a chair. The God of the Devil spelt some spells on her to prevent her from fainting or sleeping since she was too weak from everything that happened.

"W-what the hell do you want from me?"

"What do I want form you? I want a revenge, and you are the only one who can help me with it"

"Why would you want revenge from me when all those happened in the past? You should let it go and stop thinking about having revenge!" Umji said as she recalled the stories of an Angel lady and a Demon guy getting together and having two children. She guessed correctly, those people were Yoongi, Kim Taek, and this guy in front of her.

"Not many knew this, but the reason why I started a war with the Angels had many reasons behind it. One was like how everyone said, because they killed my wife, and hence I wanted revenge. But that was only part of it. Do you know I'm technically your uncle? Biological uncle. I was once an Angel, a pure Angel. I was the eldest child in the family, followed by your Dad. By rules, I was supposed to be the next God of Angels since I was the eldest child. But news of me dating my wife, which was a traitor to Heaven back in those days broke out, so they had to punish the both of us. Since she was originally a traitor in Heaven, they quickly found her and killed her instantly. I was then being taken away from the God of Heaven position which was supposed to be passed down to me, but because I dated a traitor, which seemed so deadly to those senior Angels, I lost the chance. Naturally, it will be passed down to the next elder child, which is your Dad."

"So what are the reasons for me to not take a revenge? They killed my wife because she was a traitor, they didn't even give us any last chance to talk, they didn't even give us any chance to make up for mistakes, they just killed her immediately! And because of them, I lost what was supposed to be mine. So what makes you think I won't want revenge?"

"I know they should not have killed your wife immediately without giving her any chance, but these are things that you should have already known that might happen in the first place! You knew about the consequences and yet you still do it, but now you're blaming them for not giving you chances?"

"In front of love, rules and regulations don't matter. You would only want to love at this moment, do whatever you can at this moment. They are wrong for not giving us a second chance, like how they always give to others. I wouldn't have been this mad if they were the same towards the other traitors. But they treat her differently! They gave the other traitors countless chances, but killed immediately when it came to her!"

"Whatever, why am I even sharing so much with you? Just keep quiet, I don't want to have you die here."

"Isn't that your motive"

"No, my motive is to have you as bait to have your Dad here."


"Angel Appa! I can no longer feel Yewon in the human world!" One of the Angels exclaimed. Angels can all feel each other's presence, that is also one way to protect one another, to know if anyone is in danger.

"I felt that too..."


a/n: If you have yet to realise, Yoongi and Umji are technically cousins in a sense, but in Heaven and Hell, there's no such thing as incest, so their relationship is allowed.

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