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Yoongi realises that as time passes and as he gets along with Umji, there will be this weird feeling growing deep inside him. Is it love? Is it love, something that he hasn't experienced in a while? He can't believe that he is falling for someone, but he has to accept the fact that he really did.

His heartbeats were getting more and more on a regular basis, it's as if the people around him could hear his heartbeats. It was pounding hard and fast.

Today is Yoongi's graduation day. He is finally out of school and will never be seeing any teachers or books anymore. As compared to them, he did rather see Umji though she can get annoying at times.

Umji wants to pay a visit to Yoongi's school, but she is having second thoughts about whether she should go or not. But at the same time, she doesn't want him to not receive any graduation gift when all other people are receiving from their families.

After thinking a lot, she has decided that she should just visit Yoongi. Since she can't be seen by any other human being, she has decided to pick a few flowers from the garden and decorate a bit before giving it to Yoongi.

After reaching the school, she was stunned by the scene. There were so many people! It was a lot more compared to the last time she visited the school. She didn't know that there would be so many students.

And neither did she know that this is only the graduating batch, there are still many other students from other levels.

"Oh come on Kim Yewon, it's just one Min Yoongi, what is there for you to be nervous about? They can't see you anyway too"

Suddenly, she realised a guy was walking towards her direction.

Wait what? Is he coming to me? But how? He shouldn't be able to see me...? Unless...

"You're Kim Yewon, right?"

"W-who are you...? I'm pretty sure you're not a human... Neither a ghost"

"Wow I didn't know angels have such IQs, are you the odd one out? The only stupid angel existing in heaven?"

"You're a... demon?"

"It seems like you're still not completely hopeless after all"
The person said as he left a smirk on his face.

If the world had males, there would be females. If there is a cat, there would be dogs. If there is an angel, there would be demons. Umji has only heard about demons from her fellow mates, this is her first time meeting a real one. She would more or less have some fear in her.

"It seems like Father Heaven loves you a lot. He gave you such powerful power, despite you being... stupid. I could feel this power from afar away..."
He said as he teased her.

Guardian Angel [SUMJI] ✔Where stories live. Discover now