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"Devil Appa, please help us make our way to see the God of Angel, we need his help" Kim Taek said.

"What? Why would you need to look for him? Did you forget how those Angels are enemies to us Demons? And are you seriously visiting Heaven just for that stupid Angel girl?"

"But you and mum were Devil and Angels too. There's no such thing as enemies with them. Appa, you know how it feels to be unable to be together with your loved ones. Please help us make our way there."

Kim Taek and Yoongi's mum was once an Angel, and after the news of her falling in love with a Demon and even having two kids broke out, those senior Angels killed the mum, for falling in love with creatures of another type. They had the older generation mindset, where creatures of the same type can only date among their type, or else it is showing disrespect to their ancestors. But their parents didn't care about that. They believed if the two of them truly loved one another, nothing could stop them.

But they were wrong about that. Death came in between them, he lost his wife after three years of marriage, and they lost their mum at a young age.

Ever since then, war broke out between Heaven and Hell, and the Devils became enemies with Angels because of that.

The God of Demon kept quiet because Kim Taek was right. He knew how it felt like to be separated from your loved ones, he knew how painful that might be. He was also one of the few who was able to open his heart fully, hence falling in love with the Angel and having a family.

"This is your choice. I will help both of you make your way up, but you need to bear the consequences. You might die there, or even the Angel girl might be punished too. But if you still want to go up either way, just close your eyes and I will send you there."

Yoongi closed his eyes without hesitation. He had confidence that Umji wouldn't be punished and that he would be able to figure a way out. Kim Taek followed shortly after, and the God of the Devil had successfully sent both of them up to Heaven.


They felt a bright light shining towards them, unusual from how it should be like in Hell. Yoongi and Kim Taek slowly opened their eyes and realised they were already right in front of the gates of Heaven.

The guards by the gate recognised Kim Taek and were about to give him a smile until they saw Yoongi's aura of the Devil. They got their weapons ready, ready to fight this Devil whom they didn't know what his intentions were.

"Please inform your Angel Appa, that I am here to talk to him about Angel Kim Yewon," Yoongi said, making himself clear about what his intention was.

The guards heard Yewon's name and immediately went to inform the God of Angel. They were shortly being invited into Heaven.

The God of Angel recognises Yoongi. He was the one who personally chose Yoongi as the human for Yewon to protect. But he notices that his aura is dark, and it is the aura of a Demon.

"You're a demon?" Angel Appa could not believe it. He didn't expect himself to not realise Yoongi was a Demon beforehand.


"But how? I've checked thoroughly beforehand and it says you're a human?"

"I have my skills and ability to hide it as well. Don't forget, I'm also a half Angel and half Demon."

Angel Appa kept quiet upon hearing that. He almost forgot that the God of the Devil had two children, one was Kim Taek, who has been growing up in Heaven, and the other one is the one right in front of him now.

"So what about Yewon? Did she find out about your real identity already?"

Yoongi told him everything from the start till the end, including how he is starting to feel like a normal human or Angel. Angel Appa was mad, his beloved daughter who has yet to suffer from any pain, is suffering pain from this Demon guy.

"Do you know what it means for an Angel to lose their wings? Do you actually want her to die?!" Angel Appa shouted towards Yoongi.

"I know and that's why I'm here to ask you for a solution!"

"I swear, I will not easily forgive you! Bring her back right now!"

"I don't know where is she..."

"I gave her a watch previously, with that watch you can find out where she is"

"I spoiled the watch..."


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