(Ch: 22) Kidnapped... Again

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*WARNING* Today's chapter contains violence and dark shit so read at your own will.

Harry Styles' P.O.V:

I was looking at the picture we'd taken at the ice cream parlor on my phone, missing my kitten to fucking pieces

I had no idea where she was, if she was cold or not, if she was hurt or not

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I had no idea where she was, if she was cold or not, if she was hurt or not. All I knew for now was that I would find her and I would make Ford pay for everything he did. I'm going to fucking stab him until there's nothing left but guts spewed everywhere.

It had been 24 hours since I had last seen Cora. We were still waiting for that scum bag to contact us to let us know what he wanted in exchange.

He had been stalking us at the party and had sent a picture as proof. I was shocked when I saw it. The picture was of me and Cora leaving the ice cream parlor. 

How could I have been so fucking blind? How did I not notice him? I've never in my entire life been caught off guard like this, ever

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How could I have been so fucking blind? How did I not notice him? I've never in my entire life been caught off guard like this, ever.

But Cora was my one true weakness and Ford knew it, he'd exploited it.

I'm gonna have so much fun breaking each and every bone in his body I swear to-

"Harry-" Zayn came barging in,slightly out of breath.

"He sent a letter." he said grimly and I stood up and snatched it from his hands.

"If you wanna see your 'kitten' alive and in one piece listen and do exactly as I say. I'll be in contact with you soon. Don't worry about Cora though- actually, no. Worry about her, Styles, because, like you, I don't show mercy either."

I crumpled the paper in my hands. 

"YOU'RE A DEAD MAN, FORD!!!" I roared in anger.


* 15 hours earlier *

Cora Greer's P.O.V:

I stirred into consciousness with a groan. My head hurt like fucking hell and I couldn't, for the fucking life of me, remember what had happened.

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