- chapter twenty two

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Since that Occlumency lesson you had been left alone and whilst that had its perks, it concerned you that Snape wasn't checking up on you. Had he abandoned the plan now? Were you really going to die?

You knew one sure fire way to get his attention was to pull another walking the corridors act, so this time you left it late enough not to cause any more potential damage to your plan but early enough for Snape to still be up. You chose to walk past the potions classroom but he wasn't in there. so you made you way up to the potions cupboard.

You appeared to be in luck, the light was on and the door was slightly ajar, suggesting he was inside. You coughed slightly and passed by in front of the cupboard, and fortunately, Snape caught your eye.

He was silent for a moment and you thought it would be better to continue walking. "Miss Y/N" he said as you turned to walk away, making you pause and turn back to face him slowly. "Despite our little argument, I have some important news to inform you of, one that might reiterate the severity of your actions"

You looked at him with slight concern, trying to figure out what you had possibly done this time or at least been the cause of. "You know I really didn't know Harry was following me that day" You said as a sort of half apology "I don't know how he found me."

"Obviously" Snape replied before turning to walk up the ladder in his potions cupboard, clearly getting on with whatever it was you interrupted him doing. He motioned to a nearby box of potion bottles, instructing you to pick it up and hold it up to him. You did so and he occasionally reached in, shelving some of the freshly brewed potions.

"Mr Potter felt it was his moral duty to inform Mr Malfoy that you're in fact alive" His voiced echoed through the tiny space as you stood watching him. Shit. Word had spread.

"He told Draco?" you asked with deep concern, but also a curiosity as to how it had been left.

"Mr Malfoy didn't take the notion well" Snape responded, returning down from the ladder after he had finished storing the potions away.

"What does that mean?" You asked, you hated how everything was some elaborate riddle with Snape sometimes

"Mr Malfoy has found himself in the hospital wing since neither him or Potter had the sense to act rationally" He let out a slight sigh in annoyance, before noticing your increasingly worried expression. "He and Potter exchanged some rather nasty hexes"

Your eyes widened in panic, voice rising "They fought?"

"Do not do anything foolish" He reminded you "I know you'll rush down to see him, you should be lucky I'm even telling you this"

There was a pause and you pursed your lips. He wasn't wrong. If Draco has been harmed you needed to go to the hospital wing to see him and make sure he was okay and as if he could read your thoughts, Snape interrupted.

"Should you think that wise, may I remind you, he is in there because you were sighted by Mr Potter in the first place"

You let out a long sigh and mumbled lowly under your breath "I know"

Snape's voice rang again, firmer now "Am I very clear?"

"Yes Professor" you uttered back with more clarity and Snape sent you a firm glare, his eyes squinted and dark like a serpent. You took that as a sign to scurry back to your room and knew he'd check you were in there later to make sure you hadn't gone searching for Draco.

As foolish as that was and how desperately you wanted to go to him, you knew better now. He could've died all because you had carelessly been seen by Harry, and of course he wouldn't have taken the news well, he hated Potter, there was no way he would have taken his word. You frowned as you thought of how upset and angry Draco must have felt, thinking it was nothing but rumours. If only he knew.

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