- chapter forty two

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Blaise and Pansy were long gone, like they'd sensed the severity of the ongoing situation and fled before you could even convince them to join you in battle. You could hear the distant scurry of footsteps and suitcases, and the sounds of parents and children arguing deeper within the castle, a sign the underage students were being evacuated already. Draco held your trembling hand in his own desperate hold.

"We have to do something-" You laced your fingers with his and began to head out of the dungeons, much to his discomfort, trying to get outside to assess the ongoing situation.

"There's no time to warn anyone else- He's close now- We have to go to him." Draco suddenly moved to grab both of your hands in his but you withdrew your hands before he could hold them tight enough, knowing he was trying to apparate you both away.

"You think I'm going to him? Without Harry in tow? He'll kill me!" You pleaded, your voice cracking slightly, unable to mask your vulnerability in front of him anymore.

"What?" He had no idea what you were talking about, his brows knitted in confusion as he laced your fingers with his to try and reassure you he wasn't going to let such a thing happen to you.

"He told me to bring Harry to him!" Your voice broke and hot tears lined your eyes, you were beyond angry, beyond upset, Voldemort was tearing everything and everyone you knew apart, like this was another sick way to get to you, "I can't show up empty-handed!"

"He expects you to single-handedly bring Harry to him?" Draco looked equally if not angrier than you, shaking his head a little in disbelief and practically laughing.

"He spoke to me directly.. At first, I was scared, I thought it was some kind of Legilimency I hadn't been able to block out in time, but it was a message or something" You tried to keep it together but your lower lip began to tremble as the crushing reality of the situation dawned on you. This meant war.

"Surely he doesn't actually expect you to-"

"I know what I heard!" You snapped suddenly, chest rising and falling rapidly with growing panic, Draco's eyes widening slightly with concern. He'd never heard you speak like that before.

"But you're just- It's just you-" He blinked rapidly, worry clouding his features. Voldemort was using you as some sort of means to an end, putting such a responsibility on one of the newest and youngest Deatheaters like it was nothing.

"I know I know!" You shook your head firmly, your voice a loud and clear cry as you tried not to let the tears lining your eyes spill over but it was too late, your tears were running hot and wet down your cheek, a stark contrast to the cold of the night.

"All of the Deatheaters are gathering around them castle now, they're coming here, we have to go" Draco looked around again desperately as he pulled you by your hand into the courtyard, a firmness to his tone, "I can't be seen here, they'll wonder how I got in and then they'll start apparating in the second they work it out, no one here will stand a chance"

"Go- I'll be okay" You pulled your hand back from his once more, knowing he'd try to apparate again. You didn't know where Harry was and quite frankly, you had no intention of handing him in, you couldn't appear before Voldemort in this state.

"Y/N-" He turned to you and you could see the hurt in his eyes, he didn't want to be without you again, it was torturous. You couldn't meet his eyes, knowing your shared hurt would break you even more.

"Please, I want to but I can't- Just go-" You shook your head adamantly, staring through your tears at the ground beneath you, knowing you'd meet your end if you appeared before Voldemort without Harry in tow.

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