- chapter fourteen

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"And whats in it for me?"

"Is being my girlfriend for the day not enough of an incentive?"

You sent him a sarcastic glare "I mean it Fred."

"I'll let you have something, anything, free from our shop when it's open next year" He grinned eagerly. You paused in thought and pursed your lips, humming. "Anything?"


"And you'll let me into the Gryffindor house party next week?"

"Of course" Fred cocked his brow and smiled a little, sensing you were finally giving in.


Fred visibly celebrated the fact you'd agreed to go along with his little plan, punching the air. Angelina Johnson, his on and off girlfriend, had been a bit distant lately and spent more time with a certain friend of his, Lee Jordan, so he had figured out a rather elaborate way of getting her attention once again. Across house relationships were a rare occurrence and when they happened, it was talk of the school, but no one from Slytherin and Gryffindor in recent history had done this, until now. Fred wanted you to pretend to be his girlfriend for the day to make Angelina regret ignoring him, and considering you were civil with the twins and they were part of Dumbledore's Army too, you felt obliged to give in. Especially considering how much grief Draco had given them in the past. It couldn't cause much harm could it?


You hadn't quite planned for the reactions of others, you thought a day would be so short no one would even bat an eyelid at the situation but waking up on the day you had both agreed upon, you sensed an awkwardness in the common room. You were running late so had no time for small talk, not that anyone was up for talking to you today with the death glares you were receiving. Some of the Slytherins weren't exactly the friendliest of people to start with but today they seemed especially cold.

It wasn't until you ran out of the common room at full speed and you glanced down at your wristwatch for the time that you ran full pelt into a tall red haired boy and it dawned on you.

"God. Fred? Honestly? standing outside of Slytherin house waiting for me? What in the hell are you doing?" You looked around and clutched your book closer, hoping none of your friends would witness this.

"Angelina asked me if i was coming to breakfast so I said I had to go and meet 'my girlfriend'"

"And does she know it's me?" you smiled hesitantly, a little afraid, wondering if Angelina had a warrant out for you yet.

"No" Fred said and looked either way down the corridor like he was on edge. "I sort of.."

"Sort of?"

"Wanted to make a grand entrance with you into The Great Hall" he admitted with an apologetic smile.

"I have potions class" You shook your head firmly and folded your arms over your chest. Fred laughed a little and cocked his brow "You? Actually going to class? I heard from Ron you're more absent than you are present, missing one lesson won't hurt"

You let out a long sigh.

"I'll throw in a free box of our Skiving Snackbox to that deal we made, it'll help if you need to get out of class another day" Fred bargained, eagerly grinning.

"Fine" you reluctantly agreed. Times like this made you wonder why Fred and George hadn't been sorted into Slytherin. He took your hand in his and you made a joking vomit sound which earned you a firm nudge in the ribs from him.

The Great Hall wasn't too far a walk and the only concern you had was somehow Professor Snape finding you and dragging you to his class. Really, that should've been the least of your concern.

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