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19 Years later

"Please, it'll only be an hour or so" Neville implored, having found you in your usual spot in the Astronomy Tower after realising you weren't in your office.

"An hour or so?" Your eyes widened and you shook your head, staring out across the grounds, "Neville I know nothing about Herbology"

"It's easy!" He smiled encouragingly, opening his diary and flicking along to his timetable, quill in hand, "It's just the mandrake lesson with the second years!"

"Easy? I recall you fainting during that very lesson" You raised your brow, unconvinced by his reassurances and trying not to laugh as you remember the lesson like it was only yesterday.

Neville's diary lay open in his hand and his quill hovered over the page eagerly, the ink about to drop onto the page, "Please- You know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't urgent, I've got to help transport the Tentacula plants I purchased, you know they're not easy to handle, one hour that's all I ask, please-"

"Fine!" You finally agreed after his persistence and he broke into a smile as he jotted your name down in his timetable, "I'll cover your class just this once, but I want a Tentacula plant to put in my classroom, they're good weaponry and my sixth years to learn to defend themselves in a practical sense"

"Of course" He nodded, making a small note in his notebook to spare a plant for you, humming happily to himself.

"I've got Harry coming in next week" You remembered, a smile breaking across your lips. It was an annual tradition to bring Harry in to give a lecture. His name was still legend and students listened to him with awe but Harry being humble always mentioned your help in the defeat of Voldemort much to your insistence it was all him.

"Really? Then I think a catch-up drink at The Three Broomsticks is long overdue" Neville hummed and you nodded in agreement, both taking a moment to look across the grounds, savouring the momentary peace before you both had classes.

"Not trying to make a move on my wife are you Longbottom?" You both turned suddenly to see Draco at the top of the spiral staircase, his hands in his robe pockets and his eyebrow raised with a slightly playful darkness in his eyes.

"No- uh- I have class soon, I should get going-" Neville closed his diary and held it by his side, avoiding Draco's eye line. He was still slightly afraid of him despite the fact they were on fairly good terms, Draco just liked to tease him at any given opportunity since working out he used to fancy you.

Neville passed him as Draco joined your side, pausing before he left and turning to speak to you both, "Oh! Don't forget the Ministry's annual inspection is tomorrow!"

He disappeared down the staircase as Draco rested his elbows on the railings and looked out across the view, "Oh great, Granger. Just who I wanted to see"

"You're just mad because she critiques your teaching the most" You replied, smirking a little as you shrugged your shoulders despite noticing Draco's look of relative annoyance.

"Oh come on, it's nice to have a Minister for Magic that takes education seriously enough to visit" You added and nudged his side, watching as a small smile rose to his lips.

"You know it's only because she's bloody nosey" He shook his head a little, running his fingers through his hair as he stood up straighter and looked at you.

"You're barely in half the time so don't worry about it" You rolled your eyes and shook your head at his attitude. Not many students took Alchemy, some years he didn't have a single student and would help you with your head of Slytherin house duties but part of you wondered if the lack of students taking Alchemy was due to the subject or because of the teacher assigned. An amused smile crossed your lips at the thought.

"Yeah because all of them take yours, Defence against the Dark Arts is always a firm favourite and you know it!" He huffed slightly with feigned bitterness despite the fact he was proud of what you'd become.

"Because I'm the teacher" You teased with a smile and stuck your tongue out, met with a firm poke to your forehead as Draco pushed on it.

"Obviously" Draco said, mocking Snape's infamous catchphrase, causing you both to burst into laughter at his botched attempt at mimicking his voice.

"Care to join me here tonight for some stargazing?" He wrapped his arms around your waist and his signature smirk spread across his lips as he kissed your forehead.

"With you is it ever just stargazing?" You smiled and stole a small peck from his lips as he smirked a little more, his smugness evident in his expression.

"Professor Malfoy!" You both turned to the source of the sound and Draco moved his hands from your waist, eager to appear professional as he stepped back, his hands folding over his chest again.

It was rather confusing that you shared the same name but most of the time, students were referring to you.

Rose Granger-Weasley seemed out of breath and leant over slightly, resting her hands on her thighs to catch her breath, Fred, her older cousin, following close behind and appearing behind her as she spoke, "Albus Potter is hanging from a turret on the Training Grounds Tower"

"One minute he was on the ground, next he wasn't" Fred added, "I was told to watch them for two minutes whilst the flying instructor went to get some spare brooms but I didn't do anything I swear Professor!"

"And who's watching them all now?" You raised your brow, eyes darker with concern as you moved closer. The last thing you needed was for Harry's son to fall to his death the week before Harry was due to give a talk.

Fred panted softly, continuing, "Scorpius said he'd keep an eye on-"

You exchanged knowing looks with Draco, you didn't need to hear anything more, you knew your son wasn't exactly a model student, he took after you more than his father.

Needing no further information, you both let out small sighs and followed the two Weasleys down the spiralling staircase to the Training Grounds, hoping for your sakes, Albus and Scorpius hadn't caused too much mayhem.

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