As normal as life will get

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A couple of hours have passed since Ozpin assigned the two of them as the first two-man team, both of them are getting ready for bed. Y/n flops down on one of the beds in the corner of the room while Alex takes the one in the middle of the room when Alex asks an interesting question.

Alex: "Do you trust anything that Ozpin has told us?"

Y/n: "Nope, don't trust him at all."

Alex: "Then why is the Hood at a huntsman academy?"

Y/n suddenly pulls a gun out from under his pillow and aims it at Alex with curiosity and anger in his eyes.

Y/n: "How do you know that name!?"

Alex: "It was rather easy. The way you fight, your look, your choice of weapons. *chuckles* Anyone who has heard of you will eventually connect the dots."

Y/n then puts the pistol back under the pillow and lets out a sigh.

Alex: "And something tells me that your father is the reason why you chose this life you're living right now."

Y/n's eyes then glow yellow in the dimly lit room giving the dorm an eerie feeling.

Y/n: "Let's just say this wasn't a gift from my current father, It was from my birth father.

Alex: "The adopted kid no wonder you had a bad childhood."

Y/n: "Me and two of my brothers were adopted by him; the only blood son is the brat, Damian. And come on fox, growing up for you must have been one hell of a ride."

Alex looks dumbfounded at Y/n as he takes off his dark green hood and vest to reveal a pair of brown fox ears.

Alex: "How did you know?"

Y/n: "When you live with the best detective in Atlas you pick up on a few of his tricks. And the slight movements in your hood let me piece it together.

Alex: "Didn't think you were that good."

Y/n: "Oh? I'm nowhere near as good as but I hope to one day be as good as him."

Alex: "I thought you hated him."

Y/n: "He may be a bastard but he gave me a life I never had. Now I have a feeling we should get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow."

And with that, both of them head to sleep oddly excited for what is to come in these next four years. The two of them woke up and got ready for class, they were about to leave when Yn threw Alex something.

Y/n: "If you don't feel like telling anyone, wear that."

Alex looked at the beanie before putting it on and then headed down the hall towards team RWBY's dorm to visit them before class when both of them were knocked to the ground by Weiss who was speeding down the hall.

Ruby: "Um... to class!"

Alex: "She's right We got five minutes!"

Y/n: "Fuck!"

Timeskip brought to you by, Y/n, Alex, and teams RWBy and JNPR running late for Ports class.

All of them were sitting in a classroom looking bored out of their minds as Port drowned on about fighting Grimm as well as trying to make a joke out of it.

Y/n: "These next four years are gonna be a drag."

Alex: "Tell me about it."

Port: "Uhh, and you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy. Now as I was saying Vale as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world. Our planet is teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces. And that's where we come in. Huntsman! Huntresses."

Male Reader x Blake Belladonna (Vol 1) The Runaway(Under Rewrite)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant